Page 38 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 38
The Museum of Holocaust Art, Yad Vashem The Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations, Yad Vashem Photo: Courtesy Yad Vashem.
Photo: Courtesy Yad Vashem Below: The Hall of Remembrance, Yad Vashem. Photo: Neil Folberg
photos, film clips and works of art. Each Holocaust. We host many of our Christian we, as Christians, can be part of it through
artifact tells the story of an individual victim, visitors in this sanctuary. partnering with Yad Vashem.
a family or an entire community. During our
guided tours, many such stories are shared Yad Vashem invites Christians to learn the If you are bringing a Christian group to the
with visitors. The museum tour ends at the stories. To this end, the Christian Friends Holy Land, please contact us to arrange your
Hall of Names, a beautiful and haunting of Yad Vashem (CFYV) was established unique experience at Yad Vashem.
memorial where the names of those who in October 2006 in cooperation with the E-mail:
were murdered, along with their photos and International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
personal details, are recorded for eternity. (ICEJ) to raise awareness of the Holocaust
in Christian communities worldwide.
From the Museum, one goes to the Hall of Furthermore, in August 2016, Yad Vashem
Remembrance where the Eternal Flame signed a Declaration of Cooperation with the
burns in memory of the victims. Another Museum of the Bible, Washington DC. The
must-see is the Children's Memorial. It is a two organizations pledged to stand together
unique solemn memorial commemorating for the basic moral values of humanity. We
the 1.5 million children who were murdered invite individual Christians to join forces with
in the Holocaust. us! Christian Friends of Yad Vashem invites
pastors and Christian leaders to tailor-made
In addition to the memorials, Yad Vashem seminars at Yad Vashem's International
offers many interesting sights to repeat School for Holocaust Studies. Special
visitors who wish to gain deeper knowledge programs are available to Christian groups
and understanding. The Museum of when visiting Yad Vashem.
Holocaust Art exhibits works of art created
during the Holocaust era. This is a place 2016 marked a decade of Christian Friends
filled with memories. A Jewish painter living of Yad Vashem. For this special anniversary,
in Belgium, Carol Deutsch managed to we chose the following verses from the Bible
paint 99 paintings depicting biblical stories as our motto: "I will put My Spirit in you, and
before his murder in the Holocaust. His you shall live, and I will place you in your own
surviving daughter donated the paintings land. Then you shall know that I, the LORD,
to Yad Vashem. To view the biblical scenes have spoken it and performed it,” says the
knowing what ultimately happened to Carol LORD’” Ezekiel 37:11-14. Some of these
Deutsch is a poignant experience. There is very verses are inscribed on the main gate of
also a synagogue containing Judaica looted Yad Vashem. The prophecy about dry bones
from synagogues in Europe during the coming alive is part of Israel's miracle and