Page 46 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 46
Come Walk the Bible With Us at
Neot-Kedumim Park
The world’s only biblical nature reserve
Iris Pomerantz Golan
"Consider the lilies of the field…" 7a:n3y7o)n. ePhwohtoo:isEltdhairdstMy aceosmtreoto me and drink" "Give us this day our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11)
(Matthew 6:28)
Did you ever ask yourself why the dove (John
returned to the ark with an olive leaf
after the flood? Why the righteous 15-minute drive from Ben Gurion Airport. come to me and drink” (John 7:37). We can
compared to the date palm in Psalm The vast 625-acre reserve is flourishing with enjoy the scent of the hyssop and explore
92? Why Zacchaeus actually climbed hundreds of species of plants mentioned in the its symbolism: “Purify me with hyssop, and I
the Sycomore tree? Christian and Jewish sources. Visitors to the shall be clean” (Psalms 51:7), while we make
site will find authentic agricultural installations our own traditional spice mixture.
Often when we read the biblical verses which were discovered during archaeological
in church or with family, we may miss the excavations: ancient cisterns, wine presses, We are all aware that many of our ancient
richness of the text and the hidden messages oil presses together with restored agricultural leaders were shepherds. Here you can lead a
behind the words. The day-to-day farming facilities. Experienced and enthusiastic flock of sheep and goats like Abraham, Jacob,
and shepherding life of our biblical ancestors guides lead groups on inspirational tours Moses, and King David and experience the
is not always easy for us to understand today. that combine history, archeology, botany meaning behind the phrase, “The Lord is my
Ancient sources are packed with descriptions and zoology with an emphasis on hands-on shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalms 23:1). You
of the landscape which our ancestors, the activities. can meet a Torah scribe and even plant a tree
prophets, Jesus and the apostles walked to help revive the ancient forest of milk and
through every day. While walking on pastoral trails, we draw honey. At the end of your visit, you can enjoy
water from ancient cisterns, exactly as a catered biblical meal or cook your own meal
Neot Kedumim - the only biblical nature Rebecca and Jacob, Moses and Zipporah, outdoors.
reserve in the world, was established to Jesus and the Samaritan woman did in the
endow the biblical stories with life and Bible. We can understand the meaning Your trip to Israel is not complete without
relevance. Neot Kedumim means: an oasis of behind the words, “Let anyone who is thirsty visiting Neot Kedumim!
the ancient days. This is where we can come
to learn about our heritage, and where we
can find answers to biblical questions.
Neot Kedumim is located in the center of
Israel, between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, a