Page 54 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 54
branches of the tree were not included down the bed on which the paralytic was Interior of synagogue roof
unless it was for a seven-year period. This lying.
is the required time for the cut branches to This story is also very important to us
grow back."2 Also, in Luke 5:19 it says, "…they went up theologically. Remember how the story
on the roof and let him down through the continues? "When Jesus saw their faith,
Therefore, the support structure for the roof tilesC with his stretcher, into the middle of He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are
is made of thick wood branches or trunks, the crowd, in front of Jesus." forgiven you.” The scribes and Pharisees
(often sycamore or other local woods) usually present, "reasoned in their hearts, “Why
5"-8" in diameter, laid upon the walls, at even Here is an analysis of the Greek words, using does this Man speak blasphemies like this?
intervals. Reeds, or small wood branches, a lexicon of the New Testament: Who can forgive sins but God alone?” (Mark
are placed crosswise on top of the beams. Aapostegazo – to uncover, take off the roof 2:5-7) They were right, only God can forgive
Then a layer of mud mixed with lime, ash and (literally: to unroof) sins. Then Mark tells us that Jesus perceived
straw is set in place, packed down with a Bexorusso – Literally: to dig out; to dig what they were thinking within themselves!
roller and dried in the sun. A second layer of through Finally, to prove to them that he has authority
earth (to absorb rain or moisture) is added; Ckeramos – clay, potter's earth; Literally: to forgive sins on earth, he instantly heals
and finally a third layer of the mud-mixture clay or anything made of clay; keramos is the man who was a paralytic! In other words,
finishes the roof off. probably associated with kerannumi – to Jesus was not just a man, but he was also
mix, mingle (through the idea of mixing clay God in the flesh.
The resultant earth-based roof is between and water). “The Word became flesh and dwelt among
5" and 16" in depth, built with a slope—to us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of
prevent the rainwater from pooling. Making Thus, the nuances of the Greek text support the only begotten of the Father, full of grace
such roofs is very hard work. Also, they need the structure and materials of the roofs at and truth.” (John 1:14)
regular maintenance: sometimes they need Nazareth Village. As the Gospels indicate,
to be weeded and repaired; and they need the four men “unroofed” a section of roof near 1Gower, Ralph. New Manners and Customs of Bible
to be completely rebuilt every 6-10 years! Jesus—they “dug up” (or “dug through”) the Times. Chicago: Moody Press, 1987. Quoted in:
clay-based roof material—and the paralytic Pfann, Stephen J., et al. The House: Its Structure
Rebuilding such roofs is more grueling work! on his mat was lowered down between the as a Living Space. The University of the Holy Land,
The reeds and layers of earth have to be support-beams. Center for the Study of Early Christianity, 61.
demolished and the debris removed. Reeds 2Based on Mishna Baba Metzia 9.9.
have to be harvested, dried and peeled, Quoted in: Ibid., 62.
before they can be used in construction.
Rotten beams have to be replaced: new
beams have to be sourced, bark removed
and the wood treated, before being installed.
Then the three layers have to be laid down,
one at a time, and given time to dry.
The story in the New Testament of the
paralytic whom Jesus healed at Capernaum,
gives us literary evidence as to the materials
and structure of the roof in question. We
have three parallel passages: Matthew 9:2-
8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26.
Mark 2:3-4 reads:
Then four men came to Him, carrying a
paralytic. And when they could not come
near Him because of the crowd, they
uncovered the roofA where He was. So
when they had broken throughB, they let