Page 50 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 50
commands Christians to donate money to
the Jews, as is written in First Corinthians,
and to remember that the Jews are the
chosen people, despite having rejected the
Messiah, as is written in Romans. Our job is
to preserve, protect and care about the Jews,
as was written in Matthew. Therefore, we pray
for the Jewish People."
The winners take all. joining the 100 club, where the members Running the same routes as the
have all run in at least 100 marathons." Patriarchs Photo: Binyamin Tourism
The winner of the last Bible Marathon
was Ariel Rosenfeld, atrader at the stock Yiftach Paschor (22), a born and bred Israeli is difficult, but as soon as we control it,
exchange. "The course was challenging, from Kibbutz Merav, took fourth place, everything becomes easier and we can
with lots of uphill and downhill segments, wearing a t-shirt that said, "Diabetics can do overcome the disease."
but the view was gorgeous," said Rosenfeld, anything." He was diagnosed with juvenile
who won the marathon last year as well. "I diabetes when he was seven, but he never The head of the regional council relates that
was familiar with the course, so I divided let the disease prevent him from attempting after the International Bible Marathon took
my energies accordingly and only overtook physical challenges. "It is important for me to place, there was an expectation that the
Richard Jean (who came in second) in the show that the disease is not a limitation," he event would become a tradition. "It was an
last kilometer. said. "I relate to myself the same way regular incredible celebration. We saw the success
athletes relate to themselves, meaning that and understood the magic of the moment.
From your personal perspective, on the days before the marathon I prepare In terms of the landscape, the course
what does your win represent? myself nutritionally for the race. On the last is breathtaking. While there is a certain
night, I emphasize refraining from large element of difficulty because it runs through
"I'm a vegan. My daily exercise regimen quantities of insulin. During the race, I always mountainous terrain, the runners enjoy it
proves that this type of diet - assuming that carry a pouch filled with dates. If I feel my and connect to the views. Some of them
it is based on food that is healthy - provides energy level drop, I use them." also see themselves reliving a very ancient
for all the body's needs." period of the People of Israel in Samaria,
What's your message for diabetes Ephraim and Shiloh. We plan to continue to
Richard Jean, who took second, lives in York patients? leverage the event and hope that next year
in the UK with his Israeli wife, whom he met thousands more runners will participate,
skydiving in New Zealand. He uses each "The disease becomes tough as soon as we including running groups of Arabs who live
of their trips to Israel as an opportunity to let it limit us. The lifestyle we have to maintain in the region."
participate in a race. "People ask me, how Registration for tourist packages and for the
I manage a marathon," he said. "Well, you marathon:
need to put one foot after the other, and
repeat many times. Seventeen years ago,
one of my friends decided to run the London
Marathon. I trained with him so he wouldn't
get bored. I enjoyed it, lost 35 pounds and
decided that I was going to do it. My next
goal: the London Marathon. I've already
run in 90 marathons, and I'm excited about