Page 49 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 49
Ancestors of the first recorded runs in human history is a son. After returning home, she became
mentioned in the Old Testament, in the Book pregnant and gave birth to a son, Samuel
The "man of Benjamin" - Avraham of Samuel. At the end of the war between the Prophet. She vowed to dedicate her son
Herman running 42 km from Eben Ezer the Israelites and the Philistines, the "man to the Lord, brought him to the Tabernacle -
to Shiloh. Photo: Binyamin Tourism of Benjamin" ran from the battlefield at Eben where he was raised by Eli, the High Priest.
Ezer (modern day Rosh Ha'ayin) to Shiloh, Hannah's prayer, in which she asked to be
the Israelites entered the Land of Israel under the city of the Tabernacle. According to redeemed from infertility, is one of the most
the leadership of Joshua ben Nun after 40 Jewish tradition, this runner later became special prayers in Judaism.
years of wandering through the desert. Saul, the first king of Israel.
Here he erected the Tabernacle, which had There's been quite a buzz about the presence
wandered with the Children of Israel since Thousands of years after this biblical run, the of the American tourists. They waved Israeli
the exodus from Egypt. People of Israel returned to its homeland. flags and were constantly praising their
Lang was living her dream. She participated But not to all of it. After the Six-Day War, hosts: local Israeli families living in Shiloh.
in the world's oldest running challenge. One in which the State of Israel recaptured the They opened their homes to these friends
area that had belonged to the Jewish People from the United States, viewing them as
during the biblical period, the founder of the partners whose presence was desirable and
Maccabiah games - the Jewish Olympics even flattering. The Americans, for their part,
- decided to measure the length of the were delighted to participate in kabbalat
course from Rosh Ha'ayin to Tel Shiloh. He Shabbat, a lovely ceremony through which
was amazed to discover that the length of the Jews welcome the special holy feeling
the historic path precisely matched that that pervades the Sabbath.
of the modern marathon, which was only
determined at the London Olympics: 42 The Israelis find it hard to believe that there
kilometers. are people out there in the big world who
love them so much. This could possibly
The International Bible Marathon retraces this explain the amazement that struck the Israeli
historic course. It was held for the third time journalist who was sent to cover the Bible
on October 21, 2016 and attracted close Marathon for a daily newspaper and couldn't
to 2,000 runners from Israel and the entire ignore the Americans.
world. It was so incredibly successful that
immediately after its completion of the third "So, what exactly are you doing here?" he
marathon, the date of the fourth international asked Lang's friends. One of them, Stanley
Bible Marathon was announced: October 6, Wang, answered him confidently, "We have
2017. The run is not solely for marathoners. a debt of gratitude to the Jewish People,
There are 21, 10 and 5 kilometer courses, so because you gave us the word of God. You
that running enthusiasts of all levels can take gave us the first Christian family - Mary,
part in the sporting event. Joseph and Jesus - and gave us the 12
disciples. Jesus said in the Gospel of John,
Not for athletes only salvation is from the Jews."
But you don't need to be a runner to visit Tel This is what motivates you to
Shiloh, an archaeological site with a visitor come here to encourage and
center close to town. While Tel Shiloh does support us?
not boast opulent palaces or powerful walls,
it is one of the most impressive historical "Without the Jewish contribution, Christianity
sites in Israel. There, in what was the territory would not exist. Judaism does not need
of the tribe of Ephraim, the children of Israel Christianity to explain its existence, but
brought the Tabernacle, establishing Shiloh Christianity need Judaism to explain its
as the spiritual center for the Tribes of Israel, existence. The return of the Jews to their
even before Jerusalem. The pathway leading homeland after two millennia of exile and
to the mound offers a breathtaking view of Jewish control of Jerusalem is one of the
the valley, where one of the most colorful steps to the Second Coming of Jesus and
stories of the Old Testament took place: to much yearned for salvation. We define
during the summer grape-harvest festival, ourselves at Zionist Christians."
the maidens of Shiloh would come out
dancing and the men of Benjamin sought What do you want Israelis to
brides from among them. Hannah, one of know about you?
the seven prophetesses mentioned in the
Bible, came to the Tabernacle to pray for "That we have come and will continue to come
here to disseminate love. The New Testament