Page 26 - Holyland Magazine - Catholic Edition 2015
P. 26
Mark Wyble's group with
Fran Boudreaux inJerusalem.
Below: Father Michael Russo
celebrating Mass on the Sea
of Galilee.
Characteristically, Pope Francis did not limit his We asked Morad about
encounters to dignitaries and clergy, but met the Catholic community in
with people from various walks of life during Nazareth. "We are a strong
community, well established
his stay in Israel. There are approximately
110,000 Catholics in Israel, living among 8.2 with a deep faith in Jesus
Christ, the Son of God. We
million inhabitants. The Catholic Church in
Israel is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, are also part of the worldwide
under the spiritual leadership of the Pope in Corpus Christi and educate
Rome. Israel's Catholics represent only 1.3% our children in the faith. We
of the total population, with 64,400 belonging are happy and feel privileged
to the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, 32,200 to live in the land of our
Latin Rite Catholics, and 11,270 belonging to ancestors and founders of
the Maronite Church. There is also a vicariate the Church. We are also
ministering to Hebrew Catholics, i.e., non- proud citizens of Israel. In
these times of unrest in the
Arab converts to Catholicism of Hebrew
descent. Some are new to the country, while Middle East, when others
others have been there for generations. would not support us, Israel
has proved time and again
to be a strong state, ofering
Recently, we had the opportunity to meet
with Mr. Morad Anthony Tabar, a member of us religious freedom and
well-established family in Israel. Morad is an support."
archaeologist, writer and guide. He and his
wife Marwa were visiting the United States When he acts as a guide,
Morad said, “I wish that every Catholic
to meet with Catholic clergy, deacons and Morad is able to share his knowledge of
archaeology, history, and religion, as he
religious leaders around the country. "By would visit the Holy Land and meet our
Catholic community here. As St. Cyril said,
looking at my name, you can see that I am shepherds groups around the country.
‘Others only hear, but we see and touch.’" In
an Arab, but also a Christian. A lot of people In the Galilee, visitors see the Mount of
don't know about our existence in the Holy the Beatitudes and ofer up prayers in Jerusalem, there is no end of opportunity to
Land. When they hear that we are Arabs, they Capernaum at the Church of the Primacy connect, to see and to touch. Some choose
to walk the steps of the Stations of the Cross;
think that we must be Muslims, but that is not of Peter. At the westernmost edge of Mt.
the case. I am a Nazarene - from Nazareth, Carmel, they ind the Stella Maris Monastery, some choose to carry the cross just as Jesus
did, some receive permission to overnight in
just as Jesus was from Nazareth. We are the world headquarters of the religious order
the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
descendants of those Judeo-Christians who of Carmelites. A small cave beneath the
have lived here from the time of the birth of monastery is believed to be where Elijah
occasionally lived. Morad can arrange for A short distance from Jerusalem, Pope Francis
the Church, and we continue to live here
addressed a crowd in Bethlehem’s Manger
today. Recent research using our DNA has groups to celebrate Mass in the various
proved that our line goes back to those irst churches around the country. Square, ofering up a prayer in this town where
Jews who accepted Christ as their savior." Our Lord entered this world as an infant. He
As Morad points out, pilgrimages began in spoke of his hope for all children to be able
the fourth century when St. Helena went to to live in a world, “... marked by fraternity,
Jerusalem in search of a number of Christian forgiveness and reconciliation, solidarity and
sites. She encouraged her son, Constantine, love.”
to build the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
in Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity From the various Popes who visited, to
the clergy and families who have lived and
in Bethlehem. Another major Catholic
worshipped here for generations, to the
movement took place in the thirteenth
century. Egidius of Assisi (Blessed Giles),
Catholic pilgrims who come every year to
the irst disciple of St. Francis of Assisi, deepen their faith and understanding, the
came to the Holy Land as a pilgrim in 1215. Holy Land ofers what no other place on earth
The Franciscan Order was given custody of can - a chance to experience irsthand the
Mr. Morad Anthony Tabar many sacred holy sites. very center of the birth of our Church.
Fran Boudreaux inJerusalem.
Below: Father Michael Russo
celebrating Mass on the Sea
of Galilee.
Characteristically, Pope Francis did not limit his We asked Morad about
encounters to dignitaries and clergy, but met the Catholic community in
with people from various walks of life during Nazareth. "We are a strong
community, well established
his stay in Israel. There are approximately
110,000 Catholics in Israel, living among 8.2 with a deep faith in Jesus
Christ, the Son of God. We
million inhabitants. The Catholic Church in
Israel is part of the worldwide Catholic Church, are also part of the worldwide
under the spiritual leadership of the Pope in Corpus Christi and educate
Rome. Israel's Catholics represent only 1.3% our children in the faith. We
of the total population, with 64,400 belonging are happy and feel privileged
to the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, 32,200 to live in the land of our
Latin Rite Catholics, and 11,270 belonging to ancestors and founders of
the Maronite Church. There is also a vicariate the Church. We are also
ministering to Hebrew Catholics, i.e., non- proud citizens of Israel. In
these times of unrest in the
Arab converts to Catholicism of Hebrew
descent. Some are new to the country, while Middle East, when others
others have been there for generations. would not support us, Israel
has proved time and again
to be a strong state, ofering
Recently, we had the opportunity to meet
with Mr. Morad Anthony Tabar, a member of us religious freedom and
well-established family in Israel. Morad is an support."
archaeologist, writer and guide. He and his
wife Marwa were visiting the United States When he acts as a guide,
Morad said, “I wish that every Catholic
to meet with Catholic clergy, deacons and Morad is able to share his knowledge of
archaeology, history, and religion, as he
religious leaders around the country. "By would visit the Holy Land and meet our
Catholic community here. As St. Cyril said,
looking at my name, you can see that I am shepherds groups around the country.
‘Others only hear, but we see and touch.’" In
an Arab, but also a Christian. A lot of people In the Galilee, visitors see the Mount of
don't know about our existence in the Holy the Beatitudes and ofer up prayers in Jerusalem, there is no end of opportunity to
Land. When they hear that we are Arabs, they Capernaum at the Church of the Primacy connect, to see and to touch. Some choose
to walk the steps of the Stations of the Cross;
think that we must be Muslims, but that is not of Peter. At the westernmost edge of Mt.
the case. I am a Nazarene - from Nazareth, Carmel, they ind the Stella Maris Monastery, some choose to carry the cross just as Jesus
did, some receive permission to overnight in
just as Jesus was from Nazareth. We are the world headquarters of the religious order
the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
descendants of those Judeo-Christians who of Carmelites. A small cave beneath the
have lived here from the time of the birth of monastery is believed to be where Elijah
occasionally lived. Morad can arrange for A short distance from Jerusalem, Pope Francis
the Church, and we continue to live here
addressed a crowd in Bethlehem’s Manger
today. Recent research using our DNA has groups to celebrate Mass in the various
proved that our line goes back to those irst churches around the country. Square, ofering up a prayer in this town where
Jews who accepted Christ as their savior." Our Lord entered this world as an infant. He
As Morad points out, pilgrimages began in spoke of his hope for all children to be able
the fourth century when St. Helena went to to live in a world, “... marked by fraternity,
Jerusalem in search of a number of Christian forgiveness and reconciliation, solidarity and
sites. She encouraged her son, Constantine, love.”
to build the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
in Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity From the various Popes who visited, to
the clergy and families who have lived and
in Bethlehem. Another major Catholic
worshipped here for generations, to the
movement took place in the thirteenth
century. Egidius of Assisi (Blessed Giles),
Catholic pilgrims who come every year to
the irst disciple of St. Francis of Assisi, deepen their faith and understanding, the
came to the Holy Land as a pilgrim in 1215. Holy Land ofers what no other place on earth
The Franciscan Order was given custody of can - a chance to experience irsthand the
Mr. Morad Anthony Tabar many sacred holy sites. very center of the birth of our Church.