Page 22 - Holyland Magazine - Catholic Edition 2015
P. 22
ish you want, then go to Capernaum and “Simon, I have to say I am truly impressed. The disciples will wait for us there, upon their
Magdala. Why should Herod built a city here, How do you know each nook and cranny in return from their nightly ishing.”
of all places?” this town?”
“You are a true friend and a wonderful
“Andrew, you fail to understand - this is Simon lowered his eyes and said: human being,” said Jesus and kissed
completely diferent. We all know that ever Simon on the head.
“Master, I helped build this town fourteen
since the death of Herod the Great, the
years ago.”
country is divided and there are rifts, and you They quickly crossed the alleys by the new
know better than I do that one of Herod’s “You? But you are a isherman. What do you theater and went silently down to the harbor.
greatest accomplishments was dedicating
know about construction?”
Caesarea to his patron in Rome - Emperor “Well? How long should we wait for you? Get
up,” said my father. “How come you always
Augustus. It stands to reason that Herod “Master, my brother Andrew stood on this
Agrippa would like to glorify the name of very spot fourteen years ago and told me to fall asleep when I tell you a story? I just hope
Emperor Tiberius, to earn his favor.” get leave my life of comfort as a isherman your children are more alert when you tell
and be part of something big that would go them stories.
“And what does that have to do with us?” down in history. Who knew that fourteen
asked Simon. “The Barjonas are a family of years later, I would lead my Master and my “Come on, let's go. I heard they found an
ishermen and have always been so. Do you Teacher, and help him with my knowledge of ancient ishing boat near Ginosar, not far
want us to move to your new city and leave the city? The Lord works in mysterious ways from here.”
Capernaum?” indeed, for ‘Blessed is the man that trusteth This chain of events is of course a igment
in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.’”
“I didn’t say we should leave, but what would of my imagination, though it relies heavily on
be the harm if we helped build the city? We (Jeremiah 17, 7). Biblical references, on archeological inds and
could earn some extra money, buy a new on some deduction. However, a few facts are
“Nicely put, Simon," said Jesus. “’For the
ishing boat and new nets, and meet new Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh well known:
people. on the outward appearance, but the Lord
Some of the builders of ancient Tiberias
“Think about it, Simon. In a few years you looketh on the heart.’ (1 Samuel 16, 7). were disciples of Jesus from nearby villages.
could tell your children you were part of Tiberias was indeed based on Caesarea as an
“If you did not partake in buliding this town,
history, and helped build something big, imperial town for Jews and non-Jews alike. It
you would not have been able to help me in
something new. You need to move out of your my hour of need, so I am very glad you took was also the very center of the ishing trade
comfortable and familiar life as a isherman. your brother’s advice. Simon, you are my in the area, and as such, drew many people
Open yourself to the world, it is now or never!” rock, and I trust you. You will help me bring from all corners of the Galilee and became the
district capital and biggest town in the area.
“And what are they going to build there, in the Kingdom of Heaven, for you are not only Therefore, one can only assume that while
a isherman among men, thou art Peter. Just
this Tiberias? A synagogue? We already have staying in Capernaum and the banks of the
one, in Capernaum. as you have built a city in Judea and learnt Sea of Galilee, Jesus probably visited Tiberias
the trade of stonemason, thou shalt be a
and might even have found refuge there, as in
No, they will build a city to counter the Jewish founding rock and chisel the hearts of men.” other mixed towns of pagans and Jews.
town of Gamla, a city of baths that will drain Simon lowered his eyes and tears streaked
the waters of the ancient hot springs, a city So the story I have told you here may not have
of theaters and marketplaces, of money his cheeks, for he knew that here, behind the happened... or maybe it did. One thing's for
walls of the city he built, they would be safe,
changers and big streets and beautifully sure: Sometimes, stones do speak louder than
chiseled watch towers. It would become a at least for now. the words of the greatest orators in history.
second Caesarea, a pagan city in the midst “Get up, Master, please,” implored Simon.
of the Jewish population, the new capital of “The sun is rising; we can go out and return
the Galilee. to Capernaum. We have weathered the storm,
and the mob is no longer after us. I spoke
“You might be right, dear brother, maybe I
with some of our followers in the city, and they
should become a stonemasone. After all, is
there anything more solid than a rock?” promised to help us leave this place. We shall
head towards the theater, and from there down
32 AD to the harbor, where we shall set sail under the
“Master, hurry up, come with me! Quickly! I shelter of night and go back to Capernaum.
know every alley!”
Barko Park and the coins found in the excavations
“Simon, what do they want from me? Why are
they after me? I only want to help, to heal, and
to preach of the Kingdom of Heaven.”
“I know, Master, I know, but not everyone
sees it as we do, especially not the priests
and the Pharisees.
“Here, Master, turn left by the marketplace,
there is an attic behind the tower, where we
can ind some refuge.”
Magdala. Why should Herod built a city here, How do you know each nook and cranny in return from their nightly ishing.”
of all places?” this town?”
“You are a true friend and a wonderful
“Andrew, you fail to understand - this is Simon lowered his eyes and said: human being,” said Jesus and kissed
completely diferent. We all know that ever Simon on the head.
“Master, I helped build this town fourteen
since the death of Herod the Great, the
years ago.”
country is divided and there are rifts, and you They quickly crossed the alleys by the new
know better than I do that one of Herod’s “You? But you are a isherman. What do you theater and went silently down to the harbor.
greatest accomplishments was dedicating
know about construction?”
Caesarea to his patron in Rome - Emperor “Well? How long should we wait for you? Get
up,” said my father. “How come you always
Augustus. It stands to reason that Herod “Master, my brother Andrew stood on this
Agrippa would like to glorify the name of very spot fourteen years ago and told me to fall asleep when I tell you a story? I just hope
Emperor Tiberius, to earn his favor.” get leave my life of comfort as a isherman your children are more alert when you tell
and be part of something big that would go them stories.
“And what does that have to do with us?” down in history. Who knew that fourteen
asked Simon. “The Barjonas are a family of years later, I would lead my Master and my “Come on, let's go. I heard they found an
ishermen and have always been so. Do you Teacher, and help him with my knowledge of ancient ishing boat near Ginosar, not far
want us to move to your new city and leave the city? The Lord works in mysterious ways from here.”
Capernaum?” indeed, for ‘Blessed is the man that trusteth This chain of events is of course a igment
in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.’”
“I didn’t say we should leave, but what would of my imagination, though it relies heavily on
be the harm if we helped build the city? We (Jeremiah 17, 7). Biblical references, on archeological inds and
could earn some extra money, buy a new on some deduction. However, a few facts are
“Nicely put, Simon," said Jesus. “’For the
ishing boat and new nets, and meet new Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh well known:
people. on the outward appearance, but the Lord
Some of the builders of ancient Tiberias
“Think about it, Simon. In a few years you looketh on the heart.’ (1 Samuel 16, 7). were disciples of Jesus from nearby villages.
could tell your children you were part of Tiberias was indeed based on Caesarea as an
“If you did not partake in buliding this town,
history, and helped build something big, imperial town for Jews and non-Jews alike. It
you would not have been able to help me in
something new. You need to move out of your my hour of need, so I am very glad you took was also the very center of the ishing trade
comfortable and familiar life as a isherman. your brother’s advice. Simon, you are my in the area, and as such, drew many people
Open yourself to the world, it is now or never!” rock, and I trust you. You will help me bring from all corners of the Galilee and became the
district capital and biggest town in the area.
“And what are they going to build there, in the Kingdom of Heaven, for you are not only Therefore, one can only assume that while
a isherman among men, thou art Peter. Just
this Tiberias? A synagogue? We already have staying in Capernaum and the banks of the
one, in Capernaum. as you have built a city in Judea and learnt Sea of Galilee, Jesus probably visited Tiberias
the trade of stonemason, thou shalt be a
and might even have found refuge there, as in
No, they will build a city to counter the Jewish founding rock and chisel the hearts of men.” other mixed towns of pagans and Jews.
town of Gamla, a city of baths that will drain Simon lowered his eyes and tears streaked
the waters of the ancient hot springs, a city So the story I have told you here may not have
of theaters and marketplaces, of money his cheeks, for he knew that here, behind the happened... or maybe it did. One thing's for
walls of the city he built, they would be safe,
changers and big streets and beautifully sure: Sometimes, stones do speak louder than
chiseled watch towers. It would become a at least for now. the words of the greatest orators in history.
second Caesarea, a pagan city in the midst “Get up, Master, please,” implored Simon.
of the Jewish population, the new capital of “The sun is rising; we can go out and return
the Galilee. to Capernaum. We have weathered the storm,
and the mob is no longer after us. I spoke
“You might be right, dear brother, maybe I
with some of our followers in the city, and they
should become a stonemasone. After all, is
there anything more solid than a rock?” promised to help us leave this place. We shall
head towards the theater, and from there down
32 AD to the harbor, where we shall set sail under the
“Master, hurry up, come with me! Quickly! I shelter of night and go back to Capernaum.
know every alley!”
Barko Park and the coins found in the excavations
“Simon, what do they want from me? Why are
they after me? I only want to help, to heal, and
to preach of the Kingdom of Heaven.”
“I know, Master, I know, but not everyone
sees it as we do, especially not the priests
and the Pharisees.
“Here, Master, turn left by the marketplace,
there is an attic behind the tower, where we
can ind some refuge.”