Page 28 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
P. 28
DUC IN ALTUM, Worship and Prayer Center.
Photo: Hanan Isachar
In part, I owe my calling to the bad example which was something I was looking to do. I Before I came to Holy Land, I spent twenty
of a certain priest. I used to attend Mass in a attended this retreat the Friday before Holy five years in different seminaries. I was so
particular parish near my home. At this parish, Week. At the end of the retreat, on Easter far away from any business environment or
there were two priests. One priest was very Sunday, I said, “This is what God wants me administrative type of work, but my father
fervent and pious, the other, not so. to do.” It was so clear and so simple, and so was a pretty good businessman. When we
motivating for me.” were children, he would take us along when
One night, when I was sixteen, I went to he went out to conduct business. When I
Mass with a friend and during Mass I was Why do you feel you were chosen to came to Holy Land, I realized how helpful all
thinking, “Why is one priest like this and the take on the oversight of Notre Dame of this experience was for me.
other priest like that?” I began to imagine how Jerusalem Center?
I would conduct Mass if I were a priest. When I came to Holy Land out of obedience. My Has it been difficult for you in Holy Land?
we came out of the church, my friend said to superiors called me and told me that the We set the conditions to be happy, enjoy and
me, “What’s wrong with you?” So I told him Vatican was thinking of entrusting Notre Dame succeed. So often we forget that we create
that during mass I had thought a very crazy of Jerusalem Center to our congregation. the conditions with our attitude. If you have
thought, and before I could say more, my When I came to Holy Land, it was during the right attitude, even when conditions are
friend said to me, “You thought to become the 2004 intifada (uprising), and there were difficult, you can change them. You can be in
a priest.” a lot of bombings. With a slight grin forming optimal conditions, but if your attitude is bad,
on his face, Father Juan said, “I suspect that you will destroy it. It is up to you how things
My parents were both very devout Catholics, my superiors got a list of the Legionaries of go, most of the time. Sometimes, there are
but somehow, I had more confidence in my Christ and said, ‘if we lose him, we won’t lose things that are out of your control, but most
mother about these things, and so I told her anything’ and they found me right away. of the time, it is up to you. I really do have a
what I was thinking. She said, “Just go on Coming to work in Holy Land was 100% out of lot of fun.
with your studies, and after your degrees you my plans. I came to Notre Dame in Jerusalem,
can think about that.” and found a team of very committed and loyal When did the vision for Magdala begin?
people. The general manager, the accountant, To answer this question, we need to take
It was hard for me to stop thinking about it, the reservations manager and the whole team a step back. I had a very traumatizing
though. Every time I saw a priest, I would backed me immediately. After a few months, experience with the fall of the Twin Towers
ask him about things and about his lifestyle the situation in Holy Land changed for the in New York on September 11, 2001. I was
and, in doing so, I came across a Legionary better, and pilgrims started coming back. serving as the director of the seminary in New
Priest. He invited me to a vocational retreat, York at the time.