Page 30 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
P. 30

Privileged to have
                                                                                                       been ordained by
                                                                                                       St. John Paul II
                                                                                                       25 years ago.

On that day, we had planned to take the            turning point for me. I really consider that this   As we came to the end of our interview, Father
seminarians on a cultural visit to the World       depression was the training that God used in        Solana drew my attention, not to himself, but
Trade Center. So, the night before, we were        my life to prepare me for this task at Notre        to God. He said, “I am convinced that Magdala
talking at dinner and someone suggested            Dame and now, Magdala.                              is not my project, it is God’s project. I would go
going somewhere else instead. I am still                                                               crazy if I believed that this project depended on
amazed, to this day, that I changed the            Shortly after arriving in Holy Land, I went to      me.” He went on to say, “Everyday, we have
plans at the last moment. Normally, we have        the Galilee for the first time and spent the        miracles at Magdala. There are miracles with
a program set up that is approved and well         night there. At dawn, I went down to the lake       the volunteers, with the benefactors and with
prepared by the team, and it usually doesn’t       and a fisherman came out and threw his net          the ongoing development of the site. There is a
change, especially not at the last minute.         into the lake, right in front of me. It was a very  rosary of miracles at Magdala.”
But that night, I mysteriously changed             special experience.
the agenda and suggested that we go to                                                                 In 2004, Father Juan Maria Solana, L.C.
Philadelphia instead and go to the Twin            I began to think, “What can I do here?”             was appointed by Pope John Paul II to be
Towers another day.                                After several months I realized that being in       Chargé of the Holy See for the Pontifical
                                                   Jerusalem was only half of the mission. We          Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center.
The next day, on the way to Philadelphia,          needed the natural partner in Galilee. So, the      He has been serving in that role ever since.
the bus stopped on the Washington Bridge.          practical idea of having a guesthouse in the        In 2005, Father Solana initiated the Magdala
Traffic was completely stopped. They turned        Galilee was born.                                   project and continues to direct its ongoing
on the radio, and they listened and watched                                                            development in the Galilee.
the towers collapsing. I was not with them, I      How would you describe Magdala’s          
was at the seminary, watching the television       mission and message?                      
and I asked my assistant, “Where are the           I have always felt that Magdala was
seminarians?” It was so tough for me at that       something big. I really don’t know what the
moment. When I finished watching the news,         end of this discovery will be. The archeology
I could barely stand up. I went to my room,        and its richness, consistency and the state of
fell on the bed, and slept for hours. At this      preservation of what we discovered - all of it
point, I fell into a depression that lasted for a  is such a gift from God.
few years.
                                                   Magdala is a crossroads of Jewish and
When I was told to come to Holy Land,              Christian history. The pillars in Duc In Altum
it was very tough for me to think of a new         have the names of some of the first women
assignment, because of the depression I was        who followed Jesus etched into them. These
living in. I went to Rome for some spiritual       pillars are connected by a mosaic taken from
guidance. Entering a small chapel at the           the synagogue that we discovered there.
Vatican, there was a mosaic on the wall,           There is a continuity and interconnection
a scene of Jesus and Peter on the Sea of           between the synagogue and the church.
Galilee. Above the mosaic, Jesus’ words to         It underlines, not the differences, but the
Peter were written: “You of little faith, why did  commonalities we share. I think this is a very
you doubt?” I feel that this experience in the     strong message for today’s world.
chapel was a divine message and marked a

1st Century Synagogue, Magdala                                                                         Walk on Water Chapel, Magdala “O you of little faith, why
Photo: David Delgado                                                                                   did you doubt?” Mathew 14:31

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