Page 4 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
P. 4
Women's Atrium and Altar Boat Chapel at night
Discover the magic of Magdala
One Priest’s Dream
Brings Catholics Closer to Jesus
By Nick Mancino - President of Regina Tours
Mentioned by name by all four the Magdalene, from whom seven demons gardener, she said to him, ‘Sir, if you have
Gospel writers, described by had gone out” (Lk 8:2). During her lifetime, taken him away, tell me where you have
some as Apostle to the Apostles, she was an active supporter and follower put him, and I will go and remove him.’
St. Mary Magdalene has been a of Jesus. She accompanied him and Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ She turned round
central figure in Christianity since ministered to him. She was there at the and said to him, ‘Rabbuni!’ (which means
its beginning. Her name comes from the crucifixion, among the first to see the empty Master)” (Jn 20:15-16).
prosperous fishing center of Magdala in tomb and witness to the resurrection. When
With these thoughts of Mary in mind, let us
the Galilee, where she was born. Located other disciples betrayed or denied, Mary travel forward in time about two thousand
along the shoreline, Magdala was situated was steadfast in her devotion. According to years. We are in Jerusalem, and we see Fr.
between Tiberias and Capernaum, only a St. John’s Gospel, it is to Mary whom the Juan Solana, the papal appointee to the
few miles from each. Scripture first mentions risen Jesus first appears. “Jesus said to her, Pontifical Institute Notre Dame in Jerusalem.
Fr. Solana ministers to Christians who come
Mary as a woman “who had been cured of ‘Woman, why are you weeping? Who are
evil spirits and ailments: Mary, surnamed you looking for?’ Supposing him to be the