Page 6 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
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to the Holy Land from around the world. Josephus Flavius, who fought against the complete picture of first-century Judaism.
From his center, pilgrims can visit the Mount Romans at Magdala, yet would live to go It offers the oldest depiction of a seven-
of Olives, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and write its history. The city is significant to branched menorah ever found. The carving
and other sites pertaining to Our Lord’s final Christian history because it is one that Jesus is rich in other symbols and images as well.
days in Jerusalem. But, Fr. Solana feels led surely visited, teaching and preaching. As we In addition to the synagogue, you will find
by Christ to establish another retreat center learn from Josephus, in AD 67, Vespasian the remains of mansions with colorful mosaic
for pilgrims, one to be located in the north, in and his Roman forces surrounded the city, floors, a mikveh (ritual bath), the marketplace
the Galilee, where Jesus spent the majority laid siege and eventually destroyed it. Most and shops, as well as a large warehouse and
of his ministry. of the rebels either fled by boat or were killed. a large stone wharf.
Magdala became a forgotten city.
After research, Fr. Solana chose an available Not all in Magdala is ancient, however. On
site. The land was purchased, and in Forgotten until the 21st century. Today, May 26, 2014, Pope Francis blessed the
2009 construction began. Workers were your visit to Magdala is enriched by its past, tabernacle now located in the Boat Chapel
about to dig the guest house foundation, present and future. The archaeological site of Duc in Altum. This modern spiritual center
when mandatory archaeological tests offers a clear view of this once prosperous takes its name from Jesus’ command to
revealed something solid – the remains walled city. Central is the synagogue, the Peter to “launch into the deep” or “put out
of a first-century synagogue and what oldest in Galilee, and one of only seven into deep water.” The purpose of Duc in Altum
further excavation reveals to be the ruins of from the first century in all of Israel. It is well is to honor Jesus’ public ministry. Within its
Magdala, the city where Mary Magdalene preserved and includes an entrance hall and walls, you will find a number of distinct areas.
was born and where surely Jesus taught. a chamber for storing the Torah scrolls. We The Women’s Atrium exalts the presence
Overnight, Fr. Solana’s project gains much know from Matthew’s gospel that Jesus of women in the Gospels. It features eight
greater religious and historical significance went throughout Galilee, teaching in their pillars, seven of which represent women in
than he had ever envisioned. God had synagogues, preaching the good news of the Bible who followed Jesus. The eighth,
greater plans. the kingdom. He no doubt stood where you unmarked pillar honors women of all time
will stand when you visit. who love God and live by faith.
Magdala stands at the crossroads of Jewish
and Christian history. Significant to Jewish Found in the synagogue is a carved block, From the Women’s Atrium, you can proceed to
history, ancient Magdala was also home to now called the Magdala stone. It holds a number of specific chapels. With its unique
Yosef ben Matityahu, better known today as clues that will help scholars establish a more altar and panoramic view of the water, the