Page 8 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
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Magdala Center from Mount Arbel
Boat Chapel has room for up to 300 pilgrims are looking to the future. Plans call for
and reminds us of Jesus’ connection to the completion of the restaurant, an outdoor
Sea of Galilee. The four Mosaic Chapels seaside worship center, visitors’ center,
are home to art that illustrates events from gardens and, of course, the guest house
the public life of Jesus: Walking on Water, and priests’ house – Fr. Solana’s idea which
Fishers of Men, Mary Magdalene (Casting began this adventure. Soon, the Magdalena
out Demons), and The Daughter of Jairus Institute will become an international hub,
Raised from the Dead. Each of the Mosaic dedicated to the discussion of women’s
Chapels can accommodate up to 50 people. issues.
Of all of the chapels in Duc in Altum, But, you don’t have to wait for the future,
pilgrims have most often written to us because Magdala is open today. Already,
about the Encounter Chapel. This space over 100,000 people have visited the site.
is an archaeological treasure, because its Dr. Gregory Pouncey of Mobile, Alabama
floor is that of the original market place of wrote, “The whole site was one of my
the Magdala port. In addition, the chapel personal favorites in the tour of Galilee.” In
houses the large unique painting depicting agreement, the Rev. Aaron Reynolds, who
the encounter between Jesus and the shepherded his flock from Deltona, Florida
hemorrhaging woman who was healed told us, “Magdala is most certainly one of
when she touched the hem of Jesus’ robe. my new favorite experiences in the area of
Modeled after the Magdala first-century the Sea of Galilee. It is beautifully situated by
synagogue, with room for up to 120 people, the water, of course, but the fantastic ruins
this chapel is dedicated to Jesus’ encounter at the location are breathtaking. I am most
with all of us. grateful that the caretakers of the Magdala
site have preserved its authenticity, and have
As archaeologists and scholars continue to allowed visitors to learn in comfort, but also
unlock the mysteries of the past, builders without having to imagine too much of what
Dr. Gregory Pouncey
the area might have looked like 2,000 years
ago. I highly recommend any traveler to the
land of Israel to make Magdala a priority stop
along your journey!”
Today, Catholics and other Christians, Jews,
believers of all faiths and all walks of life flock
to Magdala. You are invited to join them, to
explore the city that Mary Magdalene once
called home. Walk where Jesus walked. Visit
the synagogue where he brought the Good
News to the people of Magdala. Gaze out
at the Sea of Galilee and recall the many
Gospel stories of Jesus’ ministry – right here,
in this very place.
Group led by Rev. Aaron Reynolds You can learn more about Magdala at the website: