Page 18 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
P. 18

The stage of the trail running from Mitzpe       The third day of our ride begins at the khan                 for those who are not as skilled, this is one of
Ramon to Eilat has already been opened,          in Moa and ends after passing a spectacular                  the toughest days on the trail.
and logistical assistance and tourism            desert single-track built by volunteers on
packages are readily available. You are          Moshav Faran, which offers an example of                     The prize for making it this far is ending the
invited to come ride through one one the         the impressive agriculture that developed                    day in Timna Park. Tomorrow, the last day on
most beautiful desert trails in the world,       under the extreme climate of the Araba.                      the trail is easier and shorter, so take some
300 km (approximately 186 miles) through                                                                      time in the morning to explore the network
breathtaking desert landscapes, all well         On the fourth day, we ride down the length of                of bike trails recently developed around
organized, with signs and created specifically   the Syria-African Rift, southward through the                the park and ride between its pillar- and
for bike riders. Spend 6-8 days in the desert,   Araba, near the border with Jordan and the                   mushroom-shaped rock formations. Set out
enjoy the serenity of the primal landscape and   beautiful scenery of the mountains of Edom.                  on the final leg that ends after a glorious
imagine yourself riding on a camel.              On the fifth day, we will have to work hard to               view of the Gulf of Eilat and the neighboring
                                                 ride or walk uphill to Ketura, depending on                  countries: Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
The trail from Mitzpe Ramon to Eilat begins      your level of fitness. Regardless, within about
from the town of Mitzpe Ramon, located at        an hour you will have made it to the top and                 What’s still in store?
the rim of Makhtesh Ramon, a geographic          be able to look down at the scenes of the
feature unique to Israel, and as the travel      stage, which ends at Kibbutz Neot Semadar,                   This coming year, we look forward to
down its length, riders will continue to enjoy   a green community with organic farming.                      completing large parts of the northern
spectacular views of the crater. The route       And... nothing could be better than capping                  segment, from Mount Hermon to Nazareth,
uses the ancient tracks of camel caravans        off this tough day with a nice meal at Pundak                and we may also be able to complete
that transported the spices and fragrances of    Neot Semadar.                                                one of the impressive tourist bike paths in
frankincense and salt from Yemen and Saudi                                                                    Jerusalem, allowing riders to travel through
Arabia to the ports of the Mediterranean         Every day offers its own peak, and just                      time from the Old City and the Western Wall
Sea - Gaza, Ashdod and from there to             when you think you've seen everything, you                   to the modern city, past the Knesset and
Europe. Down the length of the trail, you        have another three incredible days ahead.                    the Israel Museum. The planning team is
will see Nabatean and Roman fortresses.          They begin at the stage that runs from Neot                  currently preparing the final plans for this
The first day of the trail ends at the bottom    Semadar to the most isolated and remote                      fascinating urban route.
of Makhtesh Ramon, at the well-kept Khan         town in Israel - Shaharut. On this day (it's
Be'erot, managed by the Israel Nature and        tough to believe), we will cross impressive                  In November, they will begin working on the
Parks Authority. On the second day, we'll        dunes, and towards the end of the day,                       phase connecting Sde Boker and Mitzpe
ride through Israel's largest canyons - the      we will look out over the Araba from the                     Ramon above the Zin River and trhough
Nekarot River. After investing much effort,      Shayarot Range. Tomorrow we will face the                    the ancient Nabatean city of Avdat. While
we were able to create a trail on one of the     toughest day of riding yet, close to 50km                    much work remains, our vision is to fill Israel
sides of the river, making it possible to ride   of desert trail, part single track, that winds               with bikers from around the world and bring
down the length of the deep and impressive       along the Eilat Mountains and descends to                    them closer to Israel through their bicycles.
river. While on the trail, we will pass through  Timna Park. You need to set out very early in                In recent years, Israel has rapidly become
the ancient inn for travelers, Khan Nekerot      the morning and take large amounts of food                   a biker’s paradise, with hundreds of miles
and Khirbet Katzra. The day ends at the          and water with you. Anyone who has made                      of mountain bike trails throughout the entire
impressive site known as Moa.                    it this far, will be able to handle the riding, but          country. Even now, each stage we launch
                                                                                                              becomes a hub for bikers and introduces
                                                                                                              them to more and more of the country’s
                                                                                                              hidden gems.

A coastal view. Photo: Hillel Sussman            Pedaling through the sand. Photo: Shai Giterman, Adrenaline

D I S C O V E R I S R A E L 18                                                                                A glimpse of water and
                                                                                                              greenery. Photo: Hillel Sussman
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