Page 29 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
P. 29
Akko is a city of special religious structures place of worship built in the city, during the Akko is the site of the shrine of the founder
that serve the members of the four religious Ottoman period. It was built in 1545 and of the Bahá'í faith - Bahá'u'lláh. His tomb is
communities who call it home: Christians, since that time has served as a community located in a garden in the northern section of
Jews, Muslims and Bahá'ís. centre for the city's Greek-Orthodox the city, inside a shrine encircled by a garden
community, and Christian tourists from reached by a long and straight path with
Among the Jewish monuments, we'll around the world who flock to the city. cypress trees and natural plant life.
mention the Ramchal Synagogue (Rabbi
Moshe Chaim Luzzatto), which was built Akko is also home to El-Jazzar Mosque Throughout its long history, many rulers set
in 1758, in the style of the synagogues of - one of the most famous buildings in the their sites on conquering and living in Akko.
Padua, Italy, the birthplace of the Ramchal. landscape of the Old City. Its green domes Rulers came and went all the time, with
Churches such as St. John's (Franciscan) can be seen from afar, and it is the largest each of them wanting to leave their mark on
Church is Akko's only Latin-Catholic church. mosque in Israel outside of Jerusalem. the city. The many buildings they erected
The church stands next to Akko's lighthouse, El-Jazzar Mosque was built in 1781 by El- are what today give the city its architectural
on the promenade near the sea, and it is one Jazzar, the governor of Akko at the time, importance and its special nature.
of the city's most beautiful churches. and is considered the most impressive and
largest mosque built in Israel during the The Israel Ministry of Tourism, through the
Saint George's Church, a Greek-Orthodox Ottoman period. Old Acre Development Company, headed
church, is believed to be the first Christian by David Harari, has worked over the past
The crypt of Saint John's Church The Israeli Opera Festival
The market
D I S C O V E R I S R A E L 29