Page 26 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
P. 26
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is Beautiful
Suffused with heady aromas and set mainly thanks to the many excellent boutique visitors descend into a cellar with a long
against stunning landscapes, dozens wineries that have sprung up around the wooden knights’ table running down the
of boutique wineries throughout Israel country. Alongside several large-scale centre. Seated around the table, visitors are
are producing fine wines for both commercial wine producers, the boutique invited to taste the winery’s Cabernets and
local and international consumption wineries produce internationally renowned Merlots, often while enjoying an art exhibition
– and often prize-winning – wines based as well. (Advance bookings required. Phone:
By Eyal Shapira on Cabernet, Merlot, Syrah (also known 972-4-660-0026;
as Shiraz) and other types of locally grown
Since the most ancient times, grapes. In the heart of a secluded oak forest in
viniculture has been an integral Moshav Odem in the Golan Heights stands
part of the history of the land of Many of the boutique wineries have built the enchantingly beautiful Odem Mountain
Israel. Indeed, the drinking of wine beautiful visitors’ centres designed for both Winery. Visitors can tour the production line
is a commandment observed during many individuals and groups. They offer guided and sample, in its tasting hall, not only its fine
Jewish holidays and ceremonies, and over tours describing the process of winemaking, wine but a mouth-watering range of local
the years, the grapevine has become a from planting and cultivating the grapes products including olive oil, goat cheeses,
recognized symbol of Israel. Those touring through bottling and aging – and of course, chocolates and more. (Phone: 972-4-687-
the local byways will also come across an the opportunity to taste and buy the finished 1122;
abundance of ancient wine vats that were product.
once used for treading grapes. The Galilee, another pastoral region in
The Golan Heights, a mountainous area northern Israel, draws scores of visitors to
All of this history forms the backdrop for the in the north of Israel, is home to wild open its wide range of attractions and activities,
recent resurgence of winemaking in Israel, spaces dotted with agricultural settlements including, of course, boutique wineries.
and several excellent small wineries. Standing amid a veritable sea of grapevines
Chateau Golan, in Moshav Eliad, offers in Kibbutz Yiron is the stylish contemporary
one of the area’s most stylish and attractive visitors’ centre of the Galil Mountain
visitors’ centres. From the entrance, Winery, which offers tours, tastings and a
designed in the shape of a giant bottle, breathtaking view of the verdant Galilee hills
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