Page 27 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
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all around you. (Phone: 972-4-686-8748;
A true culinary surprise awaits you at the Some very well-regarded boutique wineries Galil Mountain Winery
Rimon Winery, owned and operated by are also located between the coastal plain
the Nachmias family in Moshav Kerem Ben and the Jerusalem hills to the east. The area’s Not far from Tzora, in a beautiful building set
Zimra in the Upper Galilee. Nestled in the unique topography features hills that rise in a large pine forest, you will find the Flam
heart of the family’s pomegranate orchard, steeply from the plain, plus suitable climatic Winery, whose carefully-run vineyards in
the winery produces the world’s first fine conditions and mineral-rich soil, which have various regions of Israel provide the grapes
wine made of 100% pomegranates, with no made this a top grape-growing region since for several renowned wines, including
added sugar (rimon is the Hebrew word for ancient times. One of the oldest and best- Flam Classico, a blend of equal parts
“pomegranate”). Vitamin-rich pomegranates known wineries here is Tzora Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Personally
are renowned as powerful antioxidants with named after the kibbutz where it is located. guided tours by one of the winery’s master
anti-inflammatory properties that have been The visitors’ centre has a lovely shop offering winemakers culminate in a tasting session
shown to prevent heart disease and other – in addition to a selection of fine wines – jams around a massive wooden table. (Visits must
conditions. The stunning stone winery sells in many flavours, olive oil and other goodies be arranged in advance. Phone: 972-2-992-
Rimon wines plus an array of pomegranate- that could be part of a wonderful picnic in the 9923;
based foods and cosmetics. (Phone: 972-4- forests all around. (Phone: 972-2-990-8261;
682-2325; Commanding a breathtaking hilltop view
of the vineyards and the coastal plain,
Moving south from the Galilee, on the coastal the Dir Rafat monastery on the way to
plain along the shores of the Mediterranean Beit Shemesh is home to Mony Winery.
Sea, you will find Amphorae Winery, Among the grape varieties in its vineyards
surrounded by dense greenery in a secluded are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Zinfandel,
valley on the slopes of Mt. Carmel near Argaman, Petite Sirah, Chardonnay and
Moshav Kerem Maharal. The wild natural Emerald Riesling. Visits include a tour of
beauty along the road leading to the winery the wine cellar, which has been situated
is just the prelude to tasting the wonderful for centuries in a limestone cave with ideal
Chardonnays, Merlots, Cabernets and other temperature and humidity conditions that
varietals produced by Amphorae. The well- was originally used for this purpose by the
designed visitors’ centre is a lovely place to monks who built the place. (Phone: 972-2-
enjoy the wines while taking in the stunning 991-6629;
scenery. (Phone: 972-4-984-0702; http://
Rimon Winery. Photo: Dvir Almog
Further south, in the heart of the Negev
Desert, a unique project called the Wine
Route is reviving the winemaking industry
along the ancient Perfume Route, which
played a major role in the spice and scent
trade for thousands of years. A fine example
of the project’s success can be seen at
the Carmey Avdat Farm, whose owners
planted their vineyard on the site of a
Nabatean agricultural settlement dating
back some 1,500 years. In addition to
producing Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot
wines, the environmentally friendly farm
offers rustic bed-and-breakfast lodging and
operates a shop close to nearby Kibbutz
Sde Boker. (Phone: 972-8-653-5177; www.
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