Page 30 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
P. 30
The sea wall and Saint John's Church
several decades to reveal the city's many Site. The citadel was built in the 12th Century with the historical motifs of Akko, such as
underground layers that relate the stories of by Knights of the Hospitaller, an order that the Citadel and lighthouse, walking paths,
the conquerors, the construction and the provided assistance to the Crusaders when observation points, seating areas and
destruction wrought by those who ruled they arrived from Europe to Akko. fountains, all attached by convenient wide
it. The antiquities of the city, which are an and accessible paths.
integral part of the life and character of Akko, Tourists to the Old City will find advanced
are filled with life all year long. audio-visual presentations in a large variety In Akko, you will also find Extreme Park,
of languages, including films about the considered the largest and most professional
Akko is host to many cultural events: The city's history. Each site also offers a film that in the Galilee. The park offers adrenaline
Acco Festival of Alternative Theatre is describes how people lived there in the past. junkies a direct encounter with extreme
held on the intermediate days of Sukkot in The Orchard Park has just been opened in activities that are perfect for teens and adults
Knights Halls built during the Crusader era. the Old Orchard. It is a restoration of the alike. 2,000 sq m. of indoor and outdoor
Operas performed by the Tel Aviv Opera historic Ottoman garden. Orchard Park climbing walls, including one, which at 30
are showcased in the knights' courtyard was created during the Ottoman period, meters, is believed to be the highest in the
as are performances brought from abroad. and Ahmad Pash el-Jazzar is believed to Middle East. Most of the walls are designed
Akko and its many halls is also home to the have been responsible for its construction. for adult extreme sport lovers, but some are
world's most important International Harp Here you will find trees with citrus fruit, designed with kids in mind. The complex
Contest as well as to other performances, pomegranates, olives, sycamores, lemons, also offers activities for children and toddlers,
including concerts of contemporary and plums, decorative vines, cypress, ficus, including a climbing wall for the little ones,
ancient music in the Old City. decorative plants, fountains, seating areas allowing the entire family to enjoy the wide
and more. The tall trees planted there grow range of extreme sports.
During the week, there are also "knights' in the region, and some of them also existed
feasts" open to the general public and in the original orchard. And, if you want to come to Akko by sea,
theatrical performances in the Crusader- and not by car or train - there is a boat that
period citadel. Food at the feast is eaten And if we are on the subject of gardens, how sails to and from Haifa Port several times
by candlelight and torches, with waiters can we not mention the Botanical Garden. a day. The Ministry of Tourism is currently
dressed in authentic costumes. At the nearby It is filled with a wide variety of plants. The investing in upgrading infrastructures at the
Hippodrome, there are horse races and 5.19 acres contains plants from the Atlas ports of Haifa and Akko. This has resulted
battles of knights. It also presents a theatrical Mountains of North Africa, the forests of the in a regular sea line between the two cities.
rendition of the life of King Richard the Iberian Peninsula, many old varieties from The marine option can add another special
Lionheart. The event is held in the Crusader the Canary Islands, plant life from the eastern facet to your experience of Haifa and Akko.
Citadel, also known as the Hospitalier Mediterranean and, of course, plants from You can take the train to Haifa and the sail to
Fortress, one of the world's most impressive Israel's coastal plain and Negev. What's Akko to continue the fun. When you're done,
and one of the reasons that UNESCO more, the park also offers attractions for you can take a train from the nearby station
granted Akko the status of World Heritage the entire family: special amusement parks to any point you choose.
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