Page 30 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2017 edition
P. 30
The plaza in front of Honi the Circle-Drawer's tomb
Right above: the tomb of Yonatan Ben Uziel
had been mysteriously restored. Political and called out “Valley, fill with gold!” Sure Colorful cloths and even plastic bags, are tied by
controversy is never far away in Judaism, and enough, the wind began to blow and the visitors on an ancient tree near the tomb of Rabbi
Rabbi Yehuda was no exception. At a time valley sparkled with gold. Rabbi Shimon told Yonatan Ben Uziel to ensure the "matchmaker"
when others were condemning the excesses his pupils, “Whoever takes now diminishes remembers them
of the Romans, Rabbi Yehuda praised their his portion in the world to come, because
public works, like bridge construction. As a the reward for following Torah is in the next Divorced from ill will
result, the Romans allowed him to preach at world.” On Lag Ba’Omer, the anniversary of Rabbi Yosei Haglili, who is buried on Mount
public gatherings. his death, hundreds of thousands make a Dalton north of Safed, was a leader of
pilgrimage to Rabbi Shimon’s grave, where the Sanhedrin, the highest religious and
Matchmaker, matchmaker a carnival-like atmosphere prevails, with judicial court, which reconvened at Yavne
booths selling everything from prayer books following the Bar Kochba Revolt. Said to
Rabbi Yonatan Ben Uziel is buried at Amuka, to pita bread. But all year long, families that have been a gentle soul, he was no stranger
about two miles north of Safed, off Route come to fulfill the tradition of the first haircut to unhappiness; he is the only sage known
8900. Rabbi Yonatan remained a bachelor for three year-old boys can be found happily to have been divorced. According to the
all his life. But since his death, he has been distributing sweets to all. Jerusalem Talmud, his wife remarried the
credited with helping others to do what ancient version of a security guard, who
he did not do for himself: find a mate. So A tzaddik for all seasons then went blind, reducing the new couple to
many matches have been made shortly after begging. Rabbi Yosei could not stand seeing
prayers said at Rabbi Yonatan’s grave that In the center of Safed is the grave of a man his ex-wife in such a state, and so brought
his fame has spread, now encompassing so great in Jewish learning he was known both of them under his roof. His goodness
less religiously observant partner-seekers as as Ha’ari, “the Lion,” also the acronym for merits him God’s special attention when the
well. The notes people leave behind at the his name and title, Ha’elohi Rabbi Yitzhak penitent seek his spiritual assistance. Very
gravesite, describing their ideal mates and (The Divine Rabbi Yitzhak). Otherwise known popular 1,000 years ago, his tomb is now
including their phone numbers and e-mail as Rabbi Yitzhak Luria, he was born in seeing a renaissance and is a special place
addresses, may give the rabbi a bit of a head Jerusalem, raised in Egypt, and lived in Safed for women to pray for a pregnancy.
start. from around 1570 until his death, only two
years later. One of the most famous stories Whether your interests are spiritual or cultural,
Strength-builder about him relates that one Friday, just before a visit to the “tombs of the righteous” is an
sunset, he called upon his pupils to make intriguing way to experience the Galilee.
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is buried on Mount their way to far-off Jerusalem to greet the
Meron, near Safed. He was both the author of Sabbath at the Western Wall. Rabbi Yitzhak’s
the Zohar, the most significant ancient text of pupils had near perfect faith in their revered
Kabbalah, and a rebel against Rome. During leader; they all said they’d go, but first asked
the period of privation following the failure permission to tell their wives they would be
of the Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 CE, Rabbi late for the Sabbath meal. The rabbi wept
Shimon ruled that as long as bread was and said, “If you had all said with one voice,
available, no Jew should leave the Holy Land. ‘We will go up,’ at that moment the Messiah
One of his pupils left anyway, and eventually would have come.” Rabbi Yitzhak’s call upon
returned a wealthy man. As a result, the all Jews to act together is part of his famous
man’s friends began making their own travel legacy. The many people who visit his grave,
plans. however, are not unified in the nature of their
requests – they seek solutions to a variety of
It is said that Rabbi Shimon took his pupils to problems.
the valley between Safed and Mount Meron
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