Page 32 - Discover Israel Magazine - 2017 edition
P. 32

A Journey Back

to the Time of King David

Unravel the mysteries of the ancient Elah Valley

By Shani Kimchy Nidam                                    to the time of King David and his legendary       historically important clues about the daily life
                                                         battle against Goliath, the giant Philistine.     and worship of its inhabitants, yet it is also rich
You probably have it right on                                                                              with unanswered questions and challenging
              your shelf…the greatest source             At a new exhibition at the Bible Lands            puzzles that have been at the center of
              for drama, mystery, legend and             Museum Jerusalem, you will be able to             debate and controversy among scholars and
              incredible stories. The exhilarating       explore the biblical Elah Valley, one of the      laypeople alike. But perhaps the most riveting
world long gone but never forgotten, the                 most beautiful pastoral areas in the Land of      question still remains: ‘Have we found the
world that mesmerizes and refuses to let                 Israel, close to the Canaanite Bet Shemesh        footsteps of King David in the Elah Valley’?
go, perhaps today more than ever. Yes, of                and the Philistine city of Gath, where a
course, it is all in the Bible.                          small, yet fortified city was built on a hilltop  In 2007, Prof. Yossi Garfinkel of The Hebrew
                                                         some 3,000 years ago. In this exciting new        University of Jerusalem and his team began
If only time travel were possible… Would                 exhibition, you will be invited to walk through   excavating at a small ancient site in the Elah
you want to go back in time and personally               the city gate, stand in the main square and       Valley, known only by its modern Arabic
experience great moments in history?                     explore its houses. This city has revealed        name, Khirbet Qeiyafa. During the seven
Imagine a journey to the Land of Israel during
its formative years as a developing nation –

Khirbet Qeiyafa, southern gate, with Elah Valley in the
background. Photo: Uri Chartarifsky

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