Page 12 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 12

long and 7 feet wide, it is one of the few      the nets.' When they had done this, they        The beautiful gardens at the Church
relics that can actually help us to visualize   caught a great number of fish and their         of Beatitudes over looking the lake.
the events relating to Jesus and his disciples  nets were tearing.” This event transformed      Photo: Itamar Grinberg
along these shores.                             the fisherman into his followers: “Jesus
                                                said to Simon, 'Do not be afraid; from now    The current display of decorated artifacts
For a more hands-on experience, you can         on you will be catching men.' When they       was found by monks of the Franciscan
sail from Ginosar to Capernaum in a             brought their boats to the shore, they left   order, which purchased the site in 1894.
reconstructed wooden boat, feeling the          everything and followed him.” (Luke 10).      Excavations dating as far back as 1905-
spray of water and the wind as you read                                                       1915, and primarily between 1968 and
the well-known verses of the Scriptures.        Landing at the jetty of Capernaum brings      1984, yielded findings from a larger village
Should you happen to sail on a summer           you into the center of Jesus’ activities in   and synagogue built at the same location
afternoon when the hot, strong                  the Galilee during his early ministry. “He    in the 4th and 5th centuries.
Mediterranean breeze hits the shores of         left Nazareth and went and settled in
the lake almost every day at about 2 p.m.,      Capernaum by the sea” (Matthew 4:13).         Peeking through the glass floor of a new
you can get a small taste of the fear the       No other place witnessed so many of Jesus’    church built in 1990 near the synagogue,
disciples had “And when he was entered          deeds and miracles of healing.                allows you to see what archaeologists
into a ship, his disciples followed him. And,                                                 identify as the house of Peter, who was
behold, there arose a great tempest in the      Archaeological evidence at the site reveals   also known as Simon Bar-Yonah. He was
sea, insomuch that the ship was covered         little about the small hamlet of fishermen’s
with the waves” (Mathew 8: 23-24 also           houses situated on the northwestern shores
Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25).                    of the lake. The village had a few simple
                                                homes constructed of local black basalt and
Sailing north you may pass some modern          a humble synagogue in which Jesus taught.
fishermen, members of Kibbutz Ginosar
casting their nets, in much the same way
as described in Matthew 13:47-48: “… like
unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and
gathered of every kind: Which, when it was
full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and
gathered the good into vessels, but cast the
bad away.”

Seeing the trawlers return after a night at
sea with nets full of St. Peter’s Fish, we
cannot but recall the miracle of the fish
from Luke 5: “He said to Simon, 'Put out
into deep water and lower your nets for a
catch.' Simon said in reply, 'Master, we
have worked hard all night and have caught
nothing, but at your command I will lower

12 “…this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live” (Ezekiel 47:9)
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