Page 10 - Holyland Magazine - 2009 Edition
P. 10

Itamar Grinberg  A trip along the shores of the Sea of Galilee brings you to the very places
                           where many of Jesus’ most moving miracles actually occurred.

                           SEA OF WO

                                                                  sea of Tiberias,” we make our way to             Anchors, boats and fishermen played a
                                                                  Tiberias, a Jewish city on the lake’s western    major role in Jesus’ experiences along these
                                                                  shores that was originally built by Herod        shores. Three miles north of Tiberias on
                                                                  Antipas, the executioner of John the             the way to Capernaum, the center of his
                                                                  Baptist, and named after the Roman               activity, was a small fishing village called
                                                                  Emperor Tiberius. Since Jesus kept away          Magdala (in Hebrew, Migdal meaning
                                                                  from the major cities controlled by the          tower). This was the birthplace of his
                                                                  Romans, it is only mentioned once in the         devoted disciple, Mary Magdalene, who
                                                                  New Testament: “Other small boats from           followed Jesus after he cast out her seven
                                                                  Tiberias arrived near the place where they       demons (Luke 8:1-2). Among some Roman
                                                                  had eaten the bread after the Lord had           ruins enclosed within a wall east of the
                                                                  given thanks” (John 6:23).
                 After Mark Twain visited the Holy
                                                                  Today, several small churches and
                 Land in 1867, he wrote of the Sea of             monasteries dot the shore. One notable
                 Galilee that “this puddle” was no match for      church worth visiting for its spectacular
                 Lake Tahoe (in his book The Innocents            view is the Anchor Church, located on
                 Abroad or The New Pilgrims’ Progress).           nearby Mount Berenice. In the impressive
                 These days, after seven years of drought         ruins of a basilica, a heavy anchor sits at
                 in Israel, this may seem to be the case –        the center of the stone altar, its size hinting
                 but certainly not for those travelers who        to its possible religious significance as noted
                 drive down to the lake with a Bible in hand.     in Paul's letter to the Hebrews: “We have
                 For it is here, more than any other place        this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm
                 mentioned in the Bible, that the ministry        and secure” (Heb. 6:19).
                 of Jesus – his teachings, miracles and activity
                 with his disciples – really comes to life.

                 Following the words of John 6:1, 23, “Jesus
                 went over the Sea of Galilee, which is the

                 10 “…this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live” (Ezekiel 47:9)
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