Page 10 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 10
he said, “The patriarch David died and was As visitors climb the stairs, they sometimes is the place to read the Gospel account of
buried, and his tomb is here to this very day” wonder how, with all the destruction Jesus presiding over the Last Supper, and
(Acts 2:29). The first recorded Christian visitor Jerusalem underwent, the “upper room” to worship as ancient Jerusalemites did in
to David’s Tomb on Mt. Zion was Raymond (Mark 14:15, Luke 22:12) could have the gathering recorded in Acts 2:1-4.
of Agiles, in 1100, and the first recorded survived. The answer: The complex dates Though entirely devoid of ecclesiastical
Jewish visitor was Ovadia, a rabbi from to medieval times and is said to mark the trappings, it is considered by many
Bartenura, Italy, in the late 15th century. site of the room, rather than the room Christians to be one of Jerusalem’s most
Since that time, David’s Tomb has been one itself. In the late 4th century, a huge basilica spiritually invigorating sites.
of Jerusalem’s most cherished prayer sites was built on the traditional site of the events
for Jews, and an appropriate place to read of Acts 2:1-4 and the Last Supper. That Down Mt. Zion to the east is the Church
the psalms of the man whom the Bible calls church was later destroyed (remains can of St. Peter in Gallicantu, built over the
“Israel’s singer of songs” (2 Sam. 23:1). be seen in the basement of the Dormition ruins of earlier churches and a Roman-era
Abbey, another of Mt. Zion’s churches), mansion. Here, tradition says, stood
There are archaeological indications that and between the 14th and 16th centuries, Caiaphas’ house, where Peter denied Jesus
David’s Tomb was once a synagogue. Greek the complex now housing King David’s three times before the rooster crowed (Matt.
inscriptions found at the site include the Tomb and the room of the Last Supper 26:34). The sanctuary is exquisite, but the
words “savior” and “mercy,” and so it is assumed its present form at the site. church’s most impressive element may be
thought that before Christianity and Judaism the crosses carved into the stone opening
went their separate ways, the synagogue The room of the Last Supper contains a of a cave where Jesus is said to have been
may have been used by the first Christians Muslim prayer niche and windowpanes imprisoned – evidence of early Christian
in the Holy City. with Arabic inscriptions, dating from periods veneration of the site. And the experience
when Jerusalem was under Muslim rule. of walking up the flight of cracked stone
Since at least the early 4th century, Christian The records show that Christians purchased steps of an ancient street that may go back
tradition has continually placed both the Last the premises in 1336. The site changed to Jesus’ day is an unforgettable highlight.
Supper and the speaking in tongues (Acts hands numerous times thereafter, but the
2:1-4) on Mt. Zion. Since the Middle Ages, Christians did their best to preserve the On the church grounds, the Assumptionist
the room said to be the site of both events ancient sacred traditions identifying it as Fathers, the French Catholic order that
has been shown on the second story of the the scene of the Last Supper. This room maintains St. Peter in Gallicantu, have
complex that houses King David’s Tomb. installed a 1:200 scale model of Byzantine
The domed roof of the Church of Jerusalem. The model helps visitors imagine
St. Peter in Gallicantu rises from the grandeur of the city in those days.
the slopes of Mount Zion; to the Nearby is a plaza affording a stunning
right of the dome, the fabled panorama of the Mount of Olives, the
Pinnacle of the Temple Mount's Temple Mount and the Hinnom Valley
southern wall can be seen, and the recalling the words of the psalmist:
Mount of Olives is in the distance. “Beautiful in its loftiness, joy of the whole
earth is Mount Zion…the city of the Great
King” (Ps. 48:2).