Page 14 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 14

On the first day of the Jesus Trail,
    walkers can visit the Wedding Church
    in Cana, marking the site of Jesus' first
    miracle, and stay overnight in the
    village. Right: A map of the trail. Photos:
    David Landis, Jesus Trail

bus stops and McDonald’s, which you never       Bible. Like the magnificent view unfolding      The Mount Arbel descent this morning is
would have “discovered” if you hadn’t been      below, you’ll find your heart unfolding with    probably the most challenging segment of
on the trail.                                   new love for this scenery Jesus knew so         the trail, but it’s also the most rewarding
                                                well.                                           – physically, you’re climbing down, but
Your second night is spent at the guest                                                         spiritually, you’re ascending to a special
house of Kibbutz Lavi, whose members,           From here, it’s down the rock-strewn hills      new summit. Walking around the beloved
observant Jews, will be happy to give you       to the Druze holy site of Nebi Shueib, which    lake like the ancient pilgrims did – and
a tour of the kibbutz and discuss Jewish-       is the traditional tomb of Jethro, Moses’       before them, the disciples and Jesus – you
Christian relations.                            father-in-law. This is a fascinating foray      pass Magdala, the hometown of Mary
                                                into another type of unknown territory –        Magdalene; then the Mount of Beatitudes,
On the morning of the third day, you’ll say     Israel’s multicultural essence. The visit will  where Jesus preached the Sermon on the
farewell to your new friends in the kibbutz,    enrich your understanding of Israel and its     Mount; then Capernaum, Jesus’ “own
and hit the trail as you head northwest to      mosaic of peoples and faiths.                   town,” and Tabgha, the place of the
the Horns of Hattin. The “horns” are two                                                        Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes.
peaks of the dark basalt hill rising            Before you know it, Day 3 is over! Tonight,
dramatically from the surrounding plain.        your hosts will be members of Moshav            Weeks, months, and perhaps even years
The hill is actually the collapsed crater of    Arbel, a cooperative farm named after the       after you have returned from this remarkable
an ancient volcano. In reality, it’s only 700   stunning cliff that stands guard over the       journey, you will find yourself thinking back
feet above sea level, but from here, where      Sea of Galilee. And tonight you may want        to the moments you spent on the trail. And
you’ll get your first view of the Sea of        to turn in a bit early, because you won’t       when on the trail, words will often escape
Galilee, some 600 feet below sea level –        want to miss the next day’s sunrise from        you when trying to describe the land, the
the same way Jesus must have seen it            the top of the Arbel cliff. As the sun climbs   people, and most of all, the physical and
coming from Nazareth – you get that top-        and sends its golden rays across the
of-the-world feeling, and “new spiritual        landscape, dotted with olive groves and              Hitting the trail
heights” becomes more than just an              streams lined with the purple-blossomed
expression. Standing here, you’re part of       Abraham bush and perfuming the air with              Blazed by the Society for the Protection of Nature
world history as well, for this is the site of  mint and figs, you’ll learn that the sages of        in Israel, the trail is clearly marked. The people
the famous battle that the Crusaders lost       Jesus’ day called this the “Valley of Doves.”        who planned the Jesus Trail – Inon, Landis,
to Saladin in 1187.                             They found the sight of the rising sun visible       Dintaman and their team – will be happy to help
                                                from Arbel to be a reminder of messianic             you with all the logistics to turn your very own
What better place to take a timeout, sitting    redemption.                                          Jesus Trail dream into reality. More information
under the ancient oak trees, and open your                                                           of all kinds, including a downloadable map, tour
                                                                                                     packages and advice (there’s a trail forum), can
                                                                                                     be found at

                                                                                                spiritual journey itself. But whether for the
                                                                                                physical or the spiritual exercise, you are
                                                                                                certain to return home and say, “It is not
                                                                                                to be missed.

                                                                                                Eva Marie Everson, Christian Bible teacher and
                                                                                                speaker, and Miriam Feinberg Vamosh, writer and
                                                                                                tour educator, are the co-authors of the award-
                                                                                                winning book, Reflections of God's Holy Land;
                                                                                                a Personal Journey through Israel (Thomas Nelson
                                                                                                2008). They are planning a new book chronicling
                                                                                                the spiritual walk of two women – a Jew and
                                                                                                a Christian – on the Jesus Trail.

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