Page 13 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 13

JESUS TRAIL                                                                                  At left: Trail cofounder David Landis looks
                                                                                             down on the Sea of Galilee from Arbel cliff.
                                                                                             Photo: Anna Dintaman. This page: Above:
                                                                                             American hiker Ben Reed on the Horns of
                                                                                             Hattin with the Arbel cliff and snowy
                                                                                             Mt. Hermon in background. Below: A stretch
                                                                                             of actual Roman road along the trail. Photos:
                                                                                             David Landis, courtesy of the Jesus Trail

                the land through your feet, pull       The next day the trail continues
                your Bible out of your backpack        through a tranquil swath of Galilee
                on a hilltop overlooking a fertile     pine forest and down to the valley
                valley or the Sea of Galilee, and      where tradition says Jesus and the
                meet the gracious and warm             hungry disciples picked grain on
                people of Galilee, will change your    the Sabbath (Matt. 12:1). If talk
                life forever.                          of hungry disciples has you ready
                                                       for a mid-morning snack, take it
                The “classic” Jesus Trail is a four-   out of your backpack as you rest
                day experience. The approximately      on a rock. While lightening your
                40-mile trail begins, where else,      physical load, you’ll discover your
                but in Nazareth, Jesus’ boyhood        mental and spiritual backpack is
                home. After a view from the top        filling with new pictures that will
                of the city, possibly the “brow of     forever bring the Bible alive –
                the hill” (Luke 4:28), you’ll          there are those very same wheat
                continue through the Galilee           fields, interspersed with olive
                Mountains getting to know              groves, the surrounding hillsides
                “Annunciation Land,” the hills and     dotted with pomegranates, figs
                dales that were the backdrop to        and carobs. For a little extra
                Jesus’ life and works. The trail       energy you can even pick a few
                heads down the mountain to             carobs off the trees, like John the
                Sepphoris (Zippori), the “big city”    Baptist did as described in
                of Jesus’ day, built by Herod          Matthew 3:4 (you’ll learn that the
                Antipas (Luke 13:32), where you’ll     “locusts” that John the Baptist
                visit the antiquities, including a     ate were the fruit of this tree, not
                theater built around the time of       grasshoppers as some say!).
                Jesus and magnificent mosaics.
                The first day’s hike continues up      A highlight of Day 2 is a stretch
                to the modern-day village of           of the ancient Roman road that
                Meshed. Then it’s over the ridge       Jesus may have trod more than
                and down to another modern             once between Nazareth and
                village – this one with ancient        Capernaum (Matt. 4:13, Luke
                antecedents and a beloved Gospel       4:31). One of the truly amazing
                story to tell – Cana, the site of      moments of today’s walk is when
                Jesus’ first miracle. This is where    it dawns on you that this historic
                your first day’s hike will end,        gem of a road, laden with spiritual
                because you’ll be staying overnight    meaning, is just out of sight of one
                and enjoying real village hospitality  of the busiest highway junctions
                with a local family.                   in Galilee, with its traffic lights,

” (Deut 6:5-7)
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