Page 36 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 36
Day 3: Start the day with a boat ride on Itamar Grinbergcan see three countries (Israel, Syria and
the Sea of Galilee, where you can ask the Lebanon) from the top of an old volcano.
boatmen to show you how the disciples End the day with a canoe trip down the Push the press at Megged Gezer and presto! Olive oil.
used nets to catch fish. Later, you’ll be able Jordan River! In the well-loved hymn, it’s
to see a real wooden boat from the time of “mighty and rolling,” but most of this route Jerusalem, the Holy City and the capital
Jesus. You’ll also visit Capernaum, one of is as tame as a quiet pool (at least in summer of Israel. Before heading for your hotel,
the most important cities where Jesus spent and fall); as the family paddles together stop to get a panoramic view of the city
time in the Galilee, and you’ll be able to sit down the Bible’s most famous river, it’s a from Mount Scopus. You may want to
in an ancient synagogue. Next, stop at the good time to relax and think about prepare your own personal ceremony ahead
Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus preached everything you’ve seen so far. Then, it’s of time to mark this special occasion,
the Sermon on the Mount and then take a back to your northern accommodation for perhaps sharing with your children a verse
wonderful walk down the mountain to the overnight. of Psalms about Jerusalem.
lakeshore where Peter met Jesus after the
Resurrection. You can end the day with a In Capernaum, the synagogue tells a sacred story. Day 6: Today you begin to explore the
baptism service in the Jordan River. Holy City. You’ll see a multi-screen
Overnight is in Tiberias or your Galilee bed- Day 5: This morning takes you to Nazareth, presentation in the Jewish Quarter that
and-breakfast or kibbutz hotel. where Jesus grew up. It’s a bustling city tells the story of one family in the city at
Day 4: Today you'll make your way to the these days, but at the Nazareth Village the time of its destruction in 70CE. You’ll
northernmost place Jesus ever visited in you’ll get a guided tour to learn how it also see the Western Wall, the last remnant
the Holy Land, Caesarea Philippi or Banias. looked in Jesus’ time, when only a few of the Temple Jesus knew, and the holiest
Here, you’ll see the ancient ruins and take hundred people lived here. You’ll see place in the world for the Jewish people.
a hike along the beautiful Banias River to authentic terraced hillsides, sheep and At the new Davidson Exhibition Center,
a roaring waterfall. Then it’s on to the goats, reconstructed village houses and you can have a special session with a
Nimrod Castle, on the ancient “Damascus meet costumed actors who will show you teacher and a high-resolution computer
Road” that Paul traveled, with lots of what life was like in ancient times. Then that shows you how the ancient Temple
mysterious nooks and crannies to explore. you’ll go to Sepphoris, the big city in Jesus’ looked, and allows you to “fly over” and
Hopefully, you’ll spot some wildlife, such time when Nazareth was just a small village; zero in on special points. You can also visit
as deer and conies, both of which are the site has beautiful mosaic floors dating
mentioned in the Bible. From here you can back to those days. Groups can have fun
drive up to the Golan Heights, where you here making their own mosaics to take
home. This afternoon, it’s time to drive to
Learning how Holy Land bees make the sweetest honey.