Page 41 - Holyland Magazine - 2010 Edition
P. 41

crossroads. Its sprawling cities, crowned      world culture that the Negev segment of            an intricate wine press, containing a treading
with elaborate churches, boasted busy          the “Incense Route,” as it is called, has          floor where “new wine” (Mark 2:22) was
markets where the aroma of spices and the      been inscribed on the prestigious UNESCO           made (later taken to be aged in wine cellars
fragrance of perfumes filled the air, while    list of World Heritage Sites.                      located in the city’s cool natural caves).
colorful displays of fruits and vegetables
against the sturdy stone walls tempted         In 106 CE, the Nabatean kingdom was                How could grapes grow in such an arid
travelers and merchants. The cities declined   annexed by the Romans and became part              environment? Ancient farmers utilized even
and were forgotten after the Muslim conquest   of the defense network of the Roman                the dew of the desert night to irrigate their
in the 7th century and silence reigned in      Empire. When Christianity became the               plants. They also built dams across even
the region for centuries thereafter. But       empire’s official religion after three centuries   the smallest valleys and channels through
Ben-Gurion believed the land could be          as an underground faith, the cities that had       which desert flood water could reach the
fruitful again.                                grown out of the caravan stations embraced         reservoirs they dug. Below Avdat is an
                                               the new teachings. Replacing the pagan             experimental agricultural station where
Those cities – Avdat, Mamshit and Shivta       temples were churches adorned with                 Israeli agronomists from Ben-Gurion
by name – were not originally Christian.       multicolored mosaics depicting birds,              University in Beersheba are trying to unravel

A mosaic cross, over 1,500 years old.          Pomegranates, symbols of wisdom, adorn the floor.  This ancient mosaic mentions Nilus, “lover of Jesus.”

Their founders were a desert people known      animals and Christian symbols. There were          the secrets of the ancient farmers. Over
as the Nabateans, masters of the caravan       also fonts in which to baptize the new             the past decade, vineyards have again begun
route bringing priceless frankincense and      members of the faith. Agriculture, which           to dot the Negev, along with olive and
myrrh from Arabia to their capital, the        the Nabateans had introduced by learning           citrus groves, and fields of vegetables.
legendary rose-red city of Petra (in present-  how to collect, channel and preserve every
day Jordan). From there, the goods were        drop of rain, flourished even more, with           The gateway of Avdat’s city fortress leads
taken across the Arava Valley and the Negev    grape vines and fruit trees greening the           to its two grand churches. A tomb,
to the Mediterranean port at Gaza, bound       dun-colored hills.                                 containing the remains of church leader
for points west. Thousands of camels bore                                                         Theodorus, was discovered in the southern
treasures across the desert from way station   Your visit to the Negev churches might best        church. The northern church, attached to
to way station, three months in each           begin at Avdat. There, at the visitors center,     the ruins of a Nabatean temple, contained
direction, led by men who spent their lives    you can learn about the inhabitants of the         a marble-lined baptistery. Its balcony affords
growing wise in the ways of the wilderness.    desert in ancient as well as modern times.         a magnificent view of the surroundings,
So significant was this road to regional and   Then you’re ready for a tour of the ruins,         framed by ancient pillars, now undergoing
                                               crowning the hill above. First you come to         reconstruction. Continuing the tour, you’ll
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