Page 31 - Holyland Magazine - 2016 Edition
P. 31

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Jesus would have done. They can walk               watch over their crops in order to prevent       A guided tour of the attraction takes about
through and experience what it was like to         thieves from stealing and animals from           90 minutes, and special-event meals and
live, cook and sleep in a first-century house.     destroying them.                                 programs are available upon request.

One of the highlights of visiting Nazareth         It is in this setting that visitors not only     Given how authentically the Nazareth Village
Village is that you can even eat food              hear the parables of Jesus, but experience       has recreated Jesus’ hometown as a place of
prepared like it was 2,000 years ago, just         them in the very setting in which they were      spiritual pilgrimage and historical experience,
like Jesus would have eaten. While simple,         delivered: the Parable of the Olive Tree next    it is no wonder that it has attracted more
the food is incredibly tasty, and quite literally  to olive trees on a terrace; the Parable of the  visitors and continued to grow every single
allows visitors to taste another time.             Vineyard next to a first-century winepress       year since opening in October 2000.
                                                   and in the greatest wine-producing region of
In addition, there are villagers dressed in        Jesus’ day; the Parable of the House Built       For these reasons and others, Summers says
first-century clothing so that visitors can be     on the Rock next to a first-century home         that the upcoming Museum of the Bible will
exposed to authentic first-century male and        built on a solid foundation of stone; and        contain an exhibit which recreates portions of
female fashion. The villagers themselves           many others. It is in this setting that twenty-  Nazareth Village. Visitors will be able to walk
demonstrate the farming practices and              first-century visitors can get a sense of the    through a first-century home, synagogue,
lifestyle that Jesus knew, while nearby            rugged and difficult nature of first-century     and carpenter’s shop. They’ll also get to
donkeys, sheep and goats graze on the              rural life, and obtain a better understanding    see how the food Jesus would have eaten
adjacent farm terraces. Visitors can also          of why the message of God’s mercy, grace         was prepared, and of course how it tasted.
see the reconstructed ancient watchtowers,         and love for the least of these found fertile    Fortunately for the Museum’s Jewish visitors,
three of which were found in Nazareth, that        soil in such a time.                             there will be kosher options as well.
first-century farmers would use to keep

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