Page 35 - Holyland Magazine - 2016 Edition
P. 35
By Shahar Shilo Elkana of Ramatayim-Tzofim re-established Model of the Tabernacle covered in gold
the thrice-yearly national obligation to make a and silver
TYisrael Meidad consulted on this article pilgrimage to the Tabernacle which had been
he exhortation of the Prophet Jeremiah neglected. It was his son Samuel, through Shiloh’s wall, at some sections 8 meters high,
to the Israelites, to “go now unto my his second wife Hannah, who prayed at the was approximately 30 dunams (7.5 acres) in
place which was in Shiloh, where I first Tabernacle for fruit of the womb, who became size, and within it and close by centuries of
caused my name to dwell” (Jeremiah the Seer and professed and judged at Shiloh. human endeavors as well as God-directed
7:12), was uttered out of a deep The annual Feast of the Lord was celebrated accomplishments are visible and well
concern for the required spiritual uplifting he at Shiloh and afforded an opportunity for preserved. For example, you can see rooms
knew that was necessary for them to return the tribe of Benjamin to be reunited after inside the wall, recalling Rahab’s “house in the
to the moral ways of their ancestors. Without the unfortunate incident at Gibeah. Later, wall” according to Joshua 2:15 and where a
seeing the physical evidence of what was following the destruction of Shiloh after the figurine featuring an Egyptian inscription from
then at Shiloh, Jeremiah knew that his fellow battle of Eben-ezer and the consequent death the Iron Age (3,000 years ago) was found.
Jews could not be fully convinced. of Eli, the High Priest, it was Samuel who Some of the churches became mosques
anointed Saul, vanquished Agag, king of the during the Arab period, underscoring the
That message is as relevant now as it was Amalekites, and also anointed David. During strength of Shiloh as a site of worship for
then. the reign of Jeroboam, Shiloh was the home of different religions, even when its inhabitants
the Prophet Ahiyah, called the Shilonite. From changed. Indeed, it is a sacred place, one of
Today, that same charge, to “recall the fate of Shiloh, and others of Samaria, came fourscore incredible spiritual power.
the Tabernacle location at Shiloh,” is one that men with offerings for the Temple which had
invites visitors, tourists, history buffs and Bible been destroyed, yet they met a treacherous Shiloh, however, is no longer desolate. It was
students to travel into the beautiful scenery of tragic fate at Mizpah. The Bible’s references to and still is a meeting place between God, land
the hill country north of Jerusalem, into the Shiloh come to a close at this point. and man.
tribal portion of Ephraim, and arrive at ancient
Shiloh where almost 4,000 years of history The history of Shiloh, however, does not The Mishkan Shiloh Association, with help
and uplifting messages of faith and hope have end here. from others, has invested a lot in making
been uncovered at Tel Shiloh. Tel Shiloh accessible to visitors. In 2013, a
At your forthcoming visit to ancient Shiloh new attraction was established - a unique
The centrality of Shiloh to the human you will travel through time. Biblical-era finds observation tower, using a new technology
understanding of God’s presence in his holy include the site of Hannah’s prayer and the combining the natural view with a specially
land of promise is critical to an understanding courtyard of the Tabernacle and many other made movie. The second floor of the tower
of the purpose of the biblical recounting of the artifacts. You’ll be able to walk among the is a video presentation auditorium that seats
actions of the Israelites in their homeland. The uncovered remains from the Second Temple 50, where the exciting and emotional film on
national development from inheritance and period and see the recently excavated Israelite the biblical Shiloh is shown with respect to the
conquest under Joshua and the prophetic Four-Room House with its exciting finds. You natural view around. The first floor is devoted
callings in the period of the Judges segues can observe an underground second century
into the early monarchy, all at Shiloh. Roman era Bar-Kochba domicile as well as
other period structures and in close proximity,
At Shiloh, Joshua assembled the people for a Byzantine basilica from the late 4th century,
several tasks. He appointed three men from one of three churches from that time. There
each tribe who were sent out to walk through the Jama’a A-Sattin mosque, a monumental
the land so as to fix the borders for the tribal early Muslim period building and, just across
portions. The portions were then distributed the pathway from it, two impressive 1,500
to the various tribes through the casting of year old olive presses.
lots. Most significantly, the Tabernacle, the
Tent of the Meeting, was set up where the
Holy Ark rested for almost four centuries.
my place at Shiloh