Page 18 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 18

with breathtaking views of the surrounding           centuries AD, when it was described as “the            Good to know!
countryside. As the Book of Revelation tells us,     ornament of all Galilee” and its capital. Rabbi
it is here, on Tel Megiddo (Armageddon), that        Yehuda HaNasi lived here at the beginning         Bet Shearim National Park is home
the last battle of the end of days will take place:  of the 3rd century AD, and here he compiled       to a one-time Jewish town and is
“And he gathered them together into a place          the Mishnah. In the Byzantine era, Zippori        the burial place of Rabbi Yehuda
called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon”              became a Diocese, and was a mixed town            HaNasi, one of the most prominent
(Revelation 16:16). A little south of here is        of Jews and Christians, right to the end of       figures in Jewish history in the 2nd
another, more intimate, lookout point, where         the Byzantine rule, when the city declined.       and 3rd centuries AD. Upon his
you can pray, sing hymns or just close your                                                            death, it became a major burial
eyes and imagine this much-anticipated future.       On a tour of Zippori, you will discover some      ground for Jews in the Land of Israel
From here, you can see Mt. Gilboa and Mt.            important public buildings, as well as town       and the Diaspora, all wishing to be
Tabor, Givat Hamore, the hills of Nazareth and       houses, with a synagogue, churches, the           buried next to him. In 2015, the Bet
the Jezreel Valley. In the middle of Tel Megiddo     Roman street layout (the Cardo and the            Shearim necropolis was declared
a circular some traces of Canaanite temples          Decumanus), a Crusader Castle and a               a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
and a circular sacrificial altar.                    theater. Do not miss out on the wonderfully       The 30 underground burial cave
                                                     preserved floors, including the Nile Mosaic,      complexes carved into the bedrock
Let us move on to the southern stable                the Dionysus Mosaic, the Synagogue                hold about 2,000 burial niches
complex, with recreations of an ancient              Mosaic, the Orpheus Mosaic and more.              and 150 sarcophagi. The walls are
stable and a chariot. Go down 173 steps              Also visit the impressive water system, with      decorated with reliefs of animal
into a subterranean water system, and walk           its huge reservoir (150,000 cubic ft.) and        and human images, and hundreds
a short tunnel (around 50 yards) towards             narrow 6-shaft tunnel.                            of inscriptions in four languages,
the city’s water reservoir. Today’s exit was                                                           listing the names, occupations and
blocked in ancient times, so that no enemy           A tour of Zippori provides a glimpse into the     places of origin of the deceased.
could access and contaminate the reservoir.          past of a rich and cosmopolitan city, home to     One highlight is over 80 examples
This way, its inhabitants enjoyed a steady           Jews, Pagans, Christians and Muslims.             of the menorah: this Jewish symbol
water supply throughout the year, as well as                                                           appears everywhere, with drawings,
in times of siege. At the end of the tunnel, you     At the top of the hill stands a citadel, with a   reliefs and etchings. It seems like
will walk up 83 steps to a new exit cut in the       gorgeous rooftop view of the Upper Galilee,       the Jewish heart of the Mishnah and
wall, and within seconds you’ll move back            Safed, Mt. Meron and the hills of Nazareth,       Talmud continues to throb in this
from the first millennium BC straight into the       all the way to Mt. Carmel and Mt. Hermon.         magical place to this day. The site
third millennium AD, and the modern-day              The Israel Nature and Parks Authority has         has a cafeteria and a souvenir shop.
parking lot awaiting outside.                        set up access roads, paths for people with
                                                     disabilities, as well as a Visitor Center with a  Bet Shearim. Front of the burial cave complexes
                                                     souvenir shop, a model of the city and some       Photo: Tsvika Tsuk
                                                     explanatory films and illustrative panels.

Zippori National Park harbors an                     According to one Christian tradition, Zippori
                                                     was home to Anne and Joachim, Mary’s
ancient city from the 1st century BC. The            parents and Jesus’ grandparents. A church

town reached its heyday in the 1st-4th

    Mosaic in Roman villa at Zippori.
    Photo: Sharon Goldson

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