Page 14 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 14
The Garden Tomb
Dr. McCann’s group from St. Luke Baptist Church Garden Tomb or the Holy Sepulchre is the almost two thousand years, Christians have
exact spot, Jerusalem, itself, is the place made pilgrimages to Jerusalem, to deepen
charge of the Garden that day. He came to where Jesus, our Lord, ministered, and most their faith, to encounter the Holy Spirit in the
me and said, “Nicholas, you must stop this!” importantly, suffered for us, died and rose places where Jesus preached and taught,
I looked around. All of our Pilgrims were very again. suffered, died and rose again. When the
involved with the Holy Spirit, praising God Church was born on Pentecost so many
and speaking in tongues. There was no way Jerusalem, the Holy City, is a universal city, years ago, the Holy Spirit appeared to Peter
I was going to interrupt. Turning to him, I the capital of two peoples, and the shrine and the disciples, giving them the ability to
said, “General White, I don’t have the power of three faiths. For many, it is also the site speak in other languages. They began to
to stop this, but you can try.” General White of Judgment Day. Jerusalem is central to gather a crowd, preaching to each in his
looked around, paused, and said, “Nicholas, the birth of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. own language. Today, not all Christians who
you are right; we will wait for the power of Its history spans millennia. Helen, mother come to Jerusalem will speak in tongues,
God to settle them.” Eventually, the people of Constantine, came from Constantinople but all can know the Holy Spirit as they
grew quieter, the service continued, and (modern day Istanbul) to Jerusalem with the experience the birthplace of Christianity and
communion was shared. It was here, at this idea to build churches in the 4th century. The foundation of our faith.
point, on this day, that I realized Jerusalem’s churches were to commemorate the events
importance to Christians. Whether the in the life of Jesus. For this reason, Christians Fr. Roy Regaspi of St. Joseph Church
from every denomination on earth visit
Jerusalem and these very churches and sites.
The significance of Jerusalem to Christians
cannot be separated from the significance
of Jerusalem to the Jewish people. We
are intertwined through our scriptures and
spiritual bonds, and we share this heritage in
Jerusalem as our spiritual capital while Israel
also claims it as her national capital. For