Page 16 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 16

Tel Megiddo.
                                                                                         Photo: Israel Nature and
                                                                                         Parks Authority Archive


in the National
Parks of


The Israel Nature and           Tel Megiddo National Park is home                Canaanite gate into an open courtyard with
Parks Authority manages                                                          a few basalt steps. The wall on your right is
approximately 25% of            to one of Israel’s most important biblical tels  part of the king’s palace. The other gate (half
Israel’s total area, including  (prehistoric and historic settlement mounds),    of it is gone) is believed by some experts to
some of its most beautiful      and as of 2005, a UNESCO World Heritage          be Solomon’s Gate, built of hewn stones.
parks - 400 nature reserves     site, along with the other biblical mounds of    Every three tiers (or rows) has a depression
and 100 national parks, to      Beer Sheba and Hazor. Get your bearings          meant to hold a wooden beam, very similar
be exact.                       with an explanatory film and exhibition at the   to the building technique of the Temple in
Here is a glimpse of five       park’s Visitor Center, swing by the obligatory   Jerusalem: “three rows of hewn stone and a
delightful parks, filled with   souvenir shop and enjoy the restaurant. At Tel   row of cedar beams” (1 Kings 6:36).
traces from biblical times.     Megiddo, you will learn about this Canaanite
                                and Israelite city, and as Christians, you will  A little further down are the remains of
Dr. Tsvika Tsuk                 certainly feel the emotional and spiritual       another palace, also attributed by some
                                gravity of the site where Armageddon is          scholars to King Solomon, with royal stables
                                supposed to take place. Let us start at the      built on top. Move on to the lookout point,
                                city’s entrance gates, and move through the

16                              Reconstruction of chariot at the  The Canaanite gate at

                                southern stables at Tel Megiddo.  Tel Megiddo.
                                Photo: Danny Abuhatzeira
                                                                  Photo: Lucy Yosef
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