Page 3 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 3
Dear Reader, Published by:
As I travel the country promoting tourism to Israel, I meet many Christians who Lishar Publlications Ltd.
tell me that a trip to Israel is on their bucket list. Of course, I am always happy
to hear that, and yet I also quietly wonder if they will ever get around to living Publisher & Editor in Chief
that dream. How many bucket-list wishes go unfulfilled as the hustle bustle of Itzhak Shani
our daily lives push those wonderful dreams further and further out of reach
until they are no longer accessible? Editor
Sarah Yarkoni
Let me encourage you, dear Christian reader, to take Israel off your bucket list, and make it a priority
this year. Don’t look at Israel as another destination you hope to visit one day, but rather as it really is Graphic Design and Production
– the very land of the Bible, where the stories that have inspired you for so long were actually forged. Yael Volberg
Israel, like no other place on earth, has the ability to enrich your faith and deepen your knowledge of Studio Lishar Publications
the Scriptures. I have yet to meet a Christian returning from a trip to Israel, who was not profoundly
changed by the experience. In fact, most say that not only did they feel completely safe while visiting Editorial Coordinator
Israel, but also that they now read the Bible with much more depth and insight. They have gained an Esther Shani
historic and geographic knowledge of the Bible that can only be achieved by actually having been to
the places, and the stories and teachings of the Scriptures now come alive as never before. Marketing & Sales
Liron Eshel, Avi Sharon
With the ease and security of traveling to Israel these days, I hope you will not miss a life-changing
journey to the Holy Land. As you read through this magazine, perhaps you will imagine yourself Editorial Offices
actually at the sites described here. Then, make that decision to come to the land where you know 18 Jabotinsky Street
you should be today – Israel. Rishon Lezion 75229
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC, Tel. 972-3-9674031
which will be officially opening later this year. Some 40,000 biblical artifacts, including Bibles, Torah
scrolls, manuscripts and fragments of the ancient text will be on display in a beautiful 430,000 square Marketing & Sales
foot facility that will explore the story, the history, the impact, and the wonder of the Book of Books. Tel. 972-3-9674032
The Bible has not only been the very centerpiece of Israel’s history, but it has also influenced and
changed the whole world. All of us at the Israel Ministry of Tourism congratulate and applaud the Email
Museum of the Bible and look forward to seeing how it will inspire people all over the world in the
years to come.
Uri Steinberg, Consul © All rights reserved. Commercial
Israel Tourism Commissioner, North America
or any other use of the material
To learn more, call 1-888-77-ISRAEL contained in this magazine is
or visit prohibited execept by prior
written permission of the
The Holy Land Magazine congratulates the Museum of the Bible in Washington publisher.
DC, which will be opening its doors in August 2017. To mark this momentous The content of the advertisements
occasion, it is planning to distribute one million extra copies of this special edition in this issue of The Holyland
to museum visitors in addition to those distributed in print and online by the Israel Magazine is the sole responsibility
Ministry of Tourism and Christianity Today. of the advertisers.
Front Cover: Mount Carmel
Photo: Manu Grinspan
The Watchmen are Gathering 4 Biblical Desert in Israel 8 Why Christians Should Visit 3
Jerusalem 12 National Parks of Northern Israel 16 Homecoming. Family Members
Gather Again 22 The City of God 26 Brand New Museum of the Bible 29 Forging a
Spiritual Connection to Jewish History 36 The Treasures of the Western Galilee 40
The Jewish Quarter 42 Neot-Kedumim Park 46 Running in the Footsteps of our
Ancestors 48 First Century Roofs at Nazareth Village 52