Page 6 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 6
Excavations City of David. Photo: City of David Archive
Gihon Spring. Photo: Eliyahu Yanai Palace of the Davidic Dynasty. Photo: Avi Balaban
city of Salem (as it was called in the days So what does this mean? God promises in and history of Biblical Jerusalem. You will
of Abraham and Melchizedek – 3,800 Isaiah 49 that at a favorable time, He will literally become part of the fulfillment of
years ago) that was built during the early remember Jerusalem. It is then that she will biblical prophecy.
Canaanite period. It was controlled by the shake off the dust and ashes and rise to
Jebusites until King David finally conquered assume her rightful place (ibid 52:2). This is Ancient Biblical Jerusalem is rising – the
and established it as the eternal capital of happening right now! Watchmen are gathering – will you be
the tribal confederation of Israel, some 3,000 counted?
years ago. He called it the City of David. The Every stone redeemed through excavations MAKE THE SHIFT – JOIN A SHIFT
city was greatly extended during the time of hastens the city’s complete realignment
Hezekiah and in the times of Herod during with her heavenly counterpart. And as the JOIN the Walls SHIFT and receive the
the Second Temple period reaching well into ancient city rises, she again beckons for Jerusalem Watch coin.
the confines of what is today known as the the return of her children. JOIN the Watchtower SHIFT and receive the
Old City. Jerusalem Watch Ambassador kit so you
In recent times, Ancient Jerusalem has been can share your passion for Jerusalem with
But after Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 CE, shaking off the dust, rising to take her rightful friends and loved ones.
the core location of Ancient Jerusalem lying place as spoken by the prophet Isaiah. You JOIN the Citadel SHIFT for a permanent
outside the Old City walls was completely lost can join the millions of people around the watch that supports ancient Jerusalem’s
for almost 2 millennia. Only 150 years ago world seeking a meaningful way to express journey to wholeness.
was it rediscovered. Important but sporadic your deep personal and spiritual connection All Watchman SHIFTS actively support our
excavations were done, but the work begun to Jerusalem. ongoing efforts to both uncover Jerusalem’s
in earnest 25 years ago with ongoing intensive past and accompany her to her promised
excavations since. The most significant How? By participating in one of our programs, future.
finds were unearthed over the past decade, you will actively support excavations in Email:
including the discovery of the Palace of the ancient, Biblical Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Website:
Davidic Dynasty, the Pilgrim’s road (final Watch initiative offers those passionate Facebook: The Jerusalem Watch
ascent to Temple Mount) from the Second about Jerusalem a tangible opportunity to
Temple period, and the Pool of Siloam. take an active role in uncovering the glory AnaRina Heymann is the Director of The Jerusalem