Page 4 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 4
Ancient Biblical With a little bit of Hebrew background,
Jerusalem is Rising you will notice that this Yod changes the
The Watchmen are concept of Jerusalem into plural. Again, no
Gathering coincidence.
How the smallest letter in the The Jewish Sages teach, "We find that [the
Hebrew alphabet is causing a name] Jerusalem refers to the higher [city]
huge cosmic realignment just as it does to the earthly Jerusalem. Just
as there is the supernal, heavenly "Jerusalem
AnaRina Heymann on High," there is also the physical, earthly
"Jerusalem below.”
The sages further explain, "The Holy One
blessed-be-He declared: 'I will not enter the
heavenly Jerusalem until I enter the earthly
Two major dynamics come to the fore here:
one, that earthly Jerusalem is still very
relevant, and two, its status influences God’s
approach to the heavenly Jerusalem.
Now this presents us with a bit of a
challenge, seeing that the origins of the
“earthly” Jerusalem remain for the most part
buried under 10 time periods (or about 30
meters) of debris.
I can already hear you saying, “I’ve visited
the Old City in Jerusalem. I’ve even been to
the Western Wall.”
What if I told you that you’ve never reached
Ancient Jerusalem and that you missed it by
a few hundred yards? The Old City walls are
about 450 years old, built by Suleiman the
Great during the Ottoman Empire, whereas
the stories of Jerusalem in the Bible date
back to over 3,000 years ago.
THAT IS A BIG GAP! Did you know that
Ancient Jerusalem, the city of King David’s
era, lies completely outside the confines of
what is today known as the Old City (with
the exception of the Temple Mount)? About
500 yards to the south. ANOTHER BIG GAP!
What do we mean when we say Ancient
Jerusalem? We are referring to the ancient
Pilgrim Road from Siloam Pool to Temple Mount. Photo: Vladimir Naikhin True Location of Ancient Biblical Jerusalem
(City of David)
With the interesting turn in world Jerusalem is mentioned a whopping 667
events over the past year, as moral times in the Bible. The city is mentioned as
and ethical tremors run rampant “Yerushalem” 636 times in Hebrew and 26
in a very brittle society, the focus times in Aramaic. That leaves us with only
on Israel and Jerusalem is ever five times that the city is strangely referred
tightening. Those with a finger on the world’s to as “Yerushalayim” (which is also the way it
pulse know that this is no coincidence and is referred to today in Israel). The difference
that we have unequivocally entered a period between the two names is caused by just
that beckons with tremendous expectation. one small letter between the Hebrew letters
So let’s talk about those expectations. Let’s Lamed and Mem. This letter, called Yud
talk about Jerusalem. makes all the difference.