Page 8 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 8
Shivta. Photo: Tal Glik
The Hidden Gems of the
Biblical Desert in Israel
These ancient Christian treasures are sure to inspireā¦
Shahar Shilo Most tourists to Israel are unaware of beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Sites in
the hypnotic beauty of the desert and do Israel. The ancient city, surrounded by a wall,
The desert has a place of respect in not tour the vast expanses of the biblical is well preserved and wonderfully planned.
the Bible. The word "desert" appears Negev, as the stories of the New Testament During the remarkable tour of the site, you
in the Book of Books no less than are primarily centered in Jerusalem and can see, just like in ancient times, the gates
270 times, indicating its profound the Galilee. We offer the Christian reader of the ancient city, the walls, a well that is
importance in the stories of the a moving and fascinating experience by thousands of years old, private residences
Patriarchs, as well as in the early days of the becoming familiar with heritage sites that are from biblical times and, the crown jewel of
biblical Kingdom of Israel. not well known and not visited by most of any visit - the descent deep into the earth
the Christian groups who come to Israel for to the ancient and impressive water system
The desert, in the south of the Land of Israel, the first time. This article tells the stories of of Be'er Sheva. At the entrance to the site is
was part of the Tribe of Judah and his brother inspiring Christian heritage sites in the south a typical 4-horned Judean altar, which was
Simeon, which according to the story in of the biblical Kingdom of Judah. found, disassembled, in excavation of the
Judges 19, dwelled in the southern section site. It serves as exciting testimony to the
of the Tribe of Judah. This section of the Tel Be'er Sheva religious reform conducted by King Hezekiah
Kingdom of Judah is known by the biblical in the eighth century BC, as appears in 2
name, Negev, the capital of which was the The biblical city that is thousands of years Kings 14:4 - He removed the high places,
biblical city of Beersheba. South of the Negev old is positioned on a tall hill above the Be'er and brake the images, and cut down the
Desert is the Zin Desert and the Desert of Sheva River. The Tel Be'er Sheva National groves, and brake in pieces the brasen
Paran, where the Amalakites, Kedemites and Park is one of the best-preserved and most serpent that Moses had made: for unto
Medianites lived in biblical times.