Page 34 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 34
A unique jewelry collection inspired I looked at my mother and my little sister and At the beginning, the rebels did well and
to revive the glamorous past of thought to myself… Is this our end? Who will were able to push away the Romans, but not
Jerusalem and bring the holy remember us? Who will tell our story? for long. Our nation was divided… First we
stones back to life lost the Galilee, then lower Judea and now
When the Jews decided to revolt against the Jerusalem.
By Omer Eshel Romans, we thought that we were invincible.
The Temple that was renovated by Herod the The bridges that connected the upper city to
Jerusalem – 70 AD Great was the largest religious structure in the Temple, the stairs leading from the Pool
the whole Roman Empire! of Siloam, the same steps where we used
“…All is lost,” said my father. to sing – “The Song of Ascents" all were
“All is lost… the Romans have breached the It was so big that if a person would have destroyed and set afire by the Romans.
city. The Temple is in flames. Our brothers and stood at the corner of the Temple’s retaining I closed my eyes and heard the sounds of
sisters have been slain by the Romans and wall at the street below, he could not have the cracking wood being consumed in the
only a few of us were able to escape!” seen the top of it… great fire. I felt the strong smell of the smoke
Moriah Collection
Jewels of the Promise