Page 35 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 35

Moriah Design
                                              Studio workshop

                                                               Emunah Collection. "if I forget
                                                               thee O Jerusalem let my right
                                                               hand forget her cunning"

burning through my lounges and then…          My mother took her jewelry, some of our            Every stone harvested on Mount Moriah for
there was silence… complete silence…          family’s precious belongings and put them in       the collection is cut and sorted, then designed
Suddenly I heard my sister singing softly:    a small wooden box.                                in order to preserve its raw integrity. The
A Song of Ascents.                                                                               pieces in the Moriah Collection are crafted
I will lift up my eyes unto the hills—        We walked down from Mt. Moriah and                 by skilled jewelry artisans, who meticulously
From whence comes my help?                    sneaked through the water gate at the City of      plan and set the diamonds and gold in
My help comes from the LORD,                  David. Then, we went up via the Kidron Valley      the stone by hand. The result is a unique
Who made heaven and earth” (Psalms 121).      towards the Mt of Olives.                          visual statement, never before attempted
                                              We stopped on the path and gazed to the            in a high quality, exclusive diamond jewelry
I looked up to the hills, and I knew exactly  west… We saw our Jerusalem in flames…              collection. The pieces in the collection are
what to do!                                   My mother buried the box between the rocks         limited editions, which are numbered and
“We must go! Now!” I said to my parents.      and whispered to me, “My son, we will be           documented in an accompanying certificate
“We must run to the hills – to the Mount of   back.”                                             of authenticity, verifying the origin of the
Olives!”                                                                                         stone from Jerusalem: the city of faith, the
                                              Digging up the truth                               city of peace.
                                              Jerusalem 2016 AD
                                                                                                 “The stones in Jerusalem can speak,” said
                                              “Finally, the last bucket of dirt before we        Mr. Tavisal. “They tell the story of who we
                                              finish here for the week,” I said to myself.       are, who was here before us and how they
                                              Since we started our archeological                 relate to us today."
                                              excavation here on the slopes of the Mount
                                              of Olives in Tzurim Valley, Jerusalem, we          "The stones of Jerusalem are not ordinary
                                              have found over 66,000 artifacts from the          stones – every stone has a historical meaning
                                              time of the second Temple. Most of them            and background. These are the stones that
                                              came from Mount Moriah itself.                     might have been used in the Temple, in
                                                                                                 the streets of ancient Jerusalem, the same
                                              These artifacts are the evidence of God’s          stones that the kings, prophets, Jesus and
                                              promise to Abraham, the same Abraham               his disciples likely walked on.”
                                              that was tested by God right here, on Mount
                                              Moriah… Every artifact discovered brings           “You see?” he said, "Jerusalem is a city
                                              me closer to the stories of my ancestors           connected to the human soul, to the will of
                                              who lived here, in this very city 2,000 and        God. Everything here is meaningful. Take
                                              3,000 years ago. I lifted the black bucket and     the name Moriah. The meaning of the name
                                              slowly made my way to the sifting station.         Moriah is God will show, God will guide. By
                                              As I poured the soil, I heard a strange noise…     wearing the stones of Moriah, we have a
                                              I removed the dirt and there it was – a small      constant reminder of who we are and who
                                              wooden box…                                        our guide is. I feel as if we are fulfilling the
                                                                                                 eternal promise from the Holy Bible:
                                              The Moriah Collection –
                                              connecting the dots

                                              The Moriah Collection was born in Jerusalem
                                              out of a vision of Avi Tavisal, a leading Israeli

                                              Mr. Tavisal envisioned this special connection     You will arise and have mercy on Zion;
                                              through jewelry due to his deep roots in           For the time to favor her,
                                              Jerusalem. His family has lived in this holy       Yes, the set time, has come.
                                              city for more than seven generations.              For Your servants take pleasure in her
                                              By combining ancient stones from the               And favor to her dust.
                                              archeological site in Jerusalem and placing        (Psalms 102)
                                              them in a special piece of jewelry, anyone
                                              can take a piece of Jerusalem with them
                                              anywhere they go.

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