Page 36 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 36

Yad Vashem

Forging a Spiritual Connection
to Jewish History

The World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem
welcomes Christian visitors to learn the history of the
Holocaust and its meaning for future generations

Dr. Susanna Kokkonen                             of Europe during WWII, was a defining event                         The Holocaust Museum, Yad Vashem
                                                 in human history. It generated a credibility                        Photo: Courtesy Yad Vashem
And to them I will give in my house              crisis of major proportions in our most basic
          and within my walls a memorial and     assumptions about the nature of mankind,        act for a believer. Ultimately, they paid the
          a name (a "yad vashem")…that shall     of society, of the modern state, and of our     price with their lives, as father Casper died
          not be cut off." These words from      responsibility as individuals to take a stand   in Gestapo custody and sister Betsie at the
          Isaiah 56:5 are the very words that    against unjust suffering of innocent people     Ravensbrück concentration camp. Christian
gave Yad Vashem its name. Isaiah Chapter         everywhere. Today we are seeing increasing      groups are deeply moved by being able to
56 shows the prophet declaring that God's        interest in this topic from Christians          share a moment of reflection near the tree
house will in fact be a house of prayer for all  worldwide, who recognize the Holocaust as       of Corrie ten Boom, father Casper and sister
nations. Looking around at Yad Vashem on a       part of universal human experience rather       Betsie. The Avenue of the Righteous is a
typical day, you can see visitors from the four  than merely Jewish history.                     beautiful green area where trees planted in
corners of the earth and will be struck by                                                       honor of the Righteous among the Nations
how truly this is a place where every nation     Many a visiting Christian is familiar with the  (non-Jews who risked their lives to save
gathers in learning and commemoration.           story of Corrie ten Boom and her family from    Jews) are tenderly cared for. It is here that
                                                 Haarlem, the Netherlands. The ten Boom          Corrie's tree is located.
Most Christian groups touring Israel will        family had been praying for the peace of
include a visit to Yad Vashem; some of the       Jerusalem for over 100 years by the time the    On its campus, Yad Vashem houses indoor
visitors have toured Yad Vashem multiple         Nazis occupied the Netherlands. For them,       museums, outdoor monuments, gardens,
times. They come because Yad Vashem is           hiding Jews at such a time was a natural        sculptures and research and education
much more than a memorial or a museum.                                                           centers. Visitors touring the Holocaust
The Holocaust, the Nazi murder of the Jews                                                       History Museum will be confronted with
                                                                                                 individual testimonies, authentic documents,

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