Page 48 - Holyland Magazine - 2017 Edition
P. 48
Running in the Footsteps of our
Believe it or not: the modern marathon is the same length as the first run mentioned in the Bible
Richard Jean (46) Ariel Rosenfeld (43)
from York in the UK was the winner of the
took second place in 42.2 km men's race
the 42.2 km men's
One of runners in the barefoot running
group. Photo: Binyamin Tourism
Tzachi Cohen Debbie Lang (36) from Connecticut rubbed who traveled with her all the way to the Holy
her eyes to be sure she wasn't dreaming. Land.
The International Bible Marathon, held She crossed the finish line of the Bible
each year in Tel Shiloh, attracts runners Marathon, yet the effort she invested in the The course ended in a bustling Jewish town
from around the world, who throng to a run - 42 kilometers - did not diminish her located near the remnants of ancient Shiloh.
very unique archaeological site, where energy level. To the contrary, she felt fired In the biblical era, Shiloh was the spiritual and
ruins of the spiritual center of the tribes up and vital. "I feel like I'm on a cloud," she government center of the Jewish People, a
of Israel in biblical times can be found. said to several members of her community, position it maintained for 369 years. When