Page 13 - Holyland Magazine - Catholic Edition 2015
P. 13
When Mrs. Bush came to the monastery, the inside the walls of the monastery, and yet it diferent. But then he looked at me and said,
community of brothers and nuns presented seems as though all Israel is coming there - ‘for me, something changed today’ and he
her with a song. A fellow monk from Congo from young soldiers preparing to defend the laid his head on my shoulder and hugged
played his big drum, one of the sisters played Jewish State to the older citizens who have me.”
an African harp, and they all sang together. carried the State of Israel on their shoulders.
Apparently, Mrs. Bush was quite amazed. Brother Olivier went on to say, “As this was
Brother Olivier clearly stated, “We do not meet happening, I realized that proves that we
Brother Olivier said, “I told her that Israel is because of shared political opinions or even cannot abandon hope. Never. We don’t know
a country of paradoxes. I told her that this is religious beliefs, we simply meet, and when what is going on inside people. Everyone has
probably the irst time that she has ever heard we do, something opens up in the heart.” a heart that can be reached. This is not my
Roman Catholic monks and nuns singing task, it is God’s task. We never know when
together, in Hebrew, inside a Crusader “You see, nothing is impossible. Working or how God will to touch the heart of His
Church, in a Muslim village, in the heart of together can actually be a reality.” Some children.
Israel.” people say, “Well, it’s only a drop in the
bucket,” but I say, “Well, it’s a drop.” If there is a message in this, it is, “We are
Because many pilgrims come to Israel and diferent and we can be diferent, but we can
the monastery, Olivier believes it is important Hospitality is extremely important in the Rule of also have mutual respect demonstrated by
to tell them stories so they understand that St. Benedict. The community lives according love.”
reality can be diferent from the negative to a rule written over 1,500 years ago by St.
portrayal in the media. He said, “Many people Benedict: “Everyone coming to the monastery When Brother Olivier dedicated his life to
who come here tell me that their visit here has must to be hosted like the Messiah.” be a monk while in Normandy, France, the
given them hope.” scripture he used on the day of his dedication
When Brother Olivier recounted one of his was Psalm 27, a Psalm of David.
As a small Christian community living in a early encounters with an Israeli soldier, he
Muslim village, the Benedictine brothers and said, “I will never forget this soldier with a Psalm 27 verse 4 reads, “One thing I have
sisters work hard to build bridges even though black kippah, who came to the monastery at desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may
they are basically a cloistered community. the very beginning. dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of
They have no parish and no school, and my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and
their life is a monastic, contemplative life lived The troops watched their Commander come to inquire in His temple.”
into the garden and give
me a hug, even though When I arrived at the monastery, on Thursday
Fr. Olivier teaching many of the other morning following Ash Wednesday, Brother
soldiers were afraid and Olivier showed me around the gardens and
didn’t want to come in. then took me to a little room, just next to the
This one, with the black entrance of the Church.
kippah, turned away
every time I looked at On the wall inside the room, he pointed to a
him. As I spoke about framed piece of Hebrew text. It was Psalm
the Psalms of David, I 27 beautifully handwritten in Hebrew by one
could see that this one of Brother Olivier’s many Israeli friends. What
soldier was beginning was so unique about this piece of art was
to understand the link within the text of Psalm 27, there were certain
between Christianity letters that were larger and bolder than the
and Judaism that is rest. Upon closer examination, the letters that
not shared with other were emphasized spelled out O L I V I E R, in
religions. Hebrew letters.

At the end of the As I thought about it, that’s the way it is with
meeting, the soldier, Brother Olivier. His overt joy for life and love
who didn’t want to look for people is simply undeniable. He is a man
at me at the beginning, with a depth of spirit and warmth of heart that
said, ‘I would like to immediately creates a closeness and forms
come back with my an unforgettable bond. Within moments of
Father. Is that OK?’ meeting him, I experienced what thousands
of others before me have experienced
He said he belonged to throughout the years. Time with this man of
a very strict Orthodox hope and hospitality leaves a very large and
Jewish family that was bold impact in the heart. For me, O L I V I E R
very much against has now been written into the text and story
everything that was of my life and for it, I am most grateful.

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