Page 16 - Holyland Magazine - Catholic Edition 2015
P. 16
Fr. Juan Maria Solana, L.C and tourists
The unexpected archaeological discovery of The interdenominational worship center,
A second phase is being constructed. It
DUC IN ALTUM provides a place for prayer,
Magdala, presumed to be the city of Mary consists of a 300-bed hotel and restaurant
for up to 900 people. When the project is
Magdalene, includes ruins of a irst-century teaching and worship for Christians of all
synagogue (unique in the Galilee), ritual and denominations. complete, it will bring over 1,000 jobs to the
baths, evidence of a ishing industry and architectural structure consists of a main
Galilee. The cultural, tourist and religious
other artifacts. This archaeological site is one chapel, four secondary chapels, the women’s development of Magdala expects to host over
atrium and an ancient chapel. The main
of the most important inds of the century, chapel seats 250 people. It includes an altar 250,000 people at the beginning of 2016,
and it is located where Jesus likely traveled in the shape of a wooden boat. The women’s becoming one of the most visited places by
and taught. Atrium is decked with eight columns, each one pilgrims and tourists in the Galilee.
inscribed with the names of women from the
“Perhaps the most signiicant discovery at New Testament, recognizing the signiicant Magdala's core purpose is to highlight the
Magdala is the synagogue,” said Dr. R. Steven role of women as followers of Christ, both in historical, cultural and spiritual signiicance of
Notley, Director of Nyack’s graduate program the past and present. The secondary chapels the site, revealing how Jesus engages people
can seat 50 people and are each decorated
in Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins. and transforms lives.
with a 250,000 cobblestone mosaic. Each
“Within the walls of the synagogue was
found a stone artifact engraved with distinct mosaic presents a biblical event in Jesus's
public ministry in the Galilee. Downstairs is the
and meaningful images, giving students of ancient chapel, which is built on the original
Judaism, early Christianity, and ancient art a loor of the Magdala Market, and inspired by
tangible piece of religious history from the late the uncovered Synagogue of Magdala.
Hellenistic and Roman periods."
“For us as Christians, it is amazing to bring
On May 28, 2014, Pope Francis, while in
Magdala to life, since 2000 years ago the
Jerusalem, blessed the tabernacle for the
city was covered and now it is vibrant again.
the new DUC IN ALTUM.
Main Chapel at Magdala is a place where all can gather
Since then, Magdala has received more than together in peace, and where Jews and
25,000 visitors from all over the world, mainly Christians meet in history and faith,” said
from the USA, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Italy the founder of Magdala, Fr. Juan Maria
and Russia. Solana, L.C
Magdala Stone, found in the synagogue
The unexpected archaeological discovery of The interdenominational worship center,
A second phase is being constructed. It
DUC IN ALTUM provides a place for prayer,
Magdala, presumed to be the city of Mary consists of a 300-bed hotel and restaurant
for up to 900 people. When the project is
Magdalene, includes ruins of a irst-century teaching and worship for Christians of all
synagogue (unique in the Galilee), ritual and denominations. complete, it will bring over 1,000 jobs to the
baths, evidence of a ishing industry and architectural structure consists of a main
Galilee. The cultural, tourist and religious
other artifacts. This archaeological site is one chapel, four secondary chapels, the women’s development of Magdala expects to host over
atrium and an ancient chapel. The main
of the most important inds of the century, chapel seats 250 people. It includes an altar 250,000 people at the beginning of 2016,
and it is located where Jesus likely traveled in the shape of a wooden boat. The women’s becoming one of the most visited places by
and taught. Atrium is decked with eight columns, each one pilgrims and tourists in the Galilee.
inscribed with the names of women from the
“Perhaps the most signiicant discovery at New Testament, recognizing the signiicant Magdala's core purpose is to highlight the
Magdala is the synagogue,” said Dr. R. Steven role of women as followers of Christ, both in historical, cultural and spiritual signiicance of
Notley, Director of Nyack’s graduate program the past and present. The secondary chapels the site, revealing how Jesus engages people
can seat 50 people and are each decorated
in Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins. and transforms lives.
with a 250,000 cobblestone mosaic. Each
“Within the walls of the synagogue was
found a stone artifact engraved with distinct mosaic presents a biblical event in Jesus's
public ministry in the Galilee. Downstairs is the
and meaningful images, giving students of ancient chapel, which is built on the original
Judaism, early Christianity, and ancient art a loor of the Magdala Market, and inspired by
tangible piece of religious history from the late the uncovered Synagogue of Magdala.
Hellenistic and Roman periods."
“For us as Christians, it is amazing to bring
On May 28, 2014, Pope Francis, while in
Magdala to life, since 2000 years ago the
Jerusalem, blessed the tabernacle for the
city was covered and now it is vibrant again.
the new DUC IN ALTUM.
Main Chapel at Magdala is a place where all can gather
Since then, Magdala has received more than together in peace, and where Jews and
25,000 visitors from all over the world, mainly Christians meet in history and faith,” said
from the USA, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Italy the founder of Magdala, Fr. Juan Maria
and Russia. Solana, L.C
Magdala Stone, found in the synagogue