Page 18 - Holyland Magazine - Catholic Edition 2015
P. 18
T he waters of the River Jordan have Many from Jerusalem and Judea went to
is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well to show repentance and atone for their sins.
brought wonders, stories and miracles pleased’” (Matthew 3:16-17).
that we ind over and over again in
him on the banks of the Jordan River, and he
baptized them, as they confessed their sins.
the annals of history and the rush of Elisha was the irst to “mark” the waters of
the river’s waters. Moses, who looked the Jordan as having special properties, when
he informed Naaman, the commander of the wayside, and only memories remained of its
out over the Promised Land; the People
of Israel crossing the river after wandering armies of the King of Aram that he could heal In the 20th century, the Jordan River fell to the
glorious past: from the stories in the Old and
in the wilderness for 40 years though they himself of leprosy by dipping himself in the New Testaments to the stories of travelers,
could see the water; Elijah ascended to the river (2 Kings 5:14). In Nazareth, the Jordan who were not afraid to visit the barren area
heavens in a chariot of ire and horses of took on holy signiicance thanks to the fact between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.
ire, before the amazed eyes of his disciple. that Jesus was baptized in its waters. The They drew pictures of a rushing river in their
And even the baptism of Jesus by John in New Testament tells us that John the Baptist writings, teaming with lush vegetation and
the very same holy river. “At that moment was a Jewish monk whose clothes were
wild animals.
heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit made of camel hair and who wore a leather
of God descending like a dove and alighting belt about his loins, who set out into the desert Where was Jesus baptized?
on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This and preached that people should be baptized The books of the apostles ofer several
at the Jordan River
Immerse yourself in the sacred baptismal waters of Qasr al-Yahud
By Eran Kruzel. Photos: Amir Aloni
is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well to show repentance and atone for their sins.
brought wonders, stories and miracles pleased’” (Matthew 3:16-17).
that we ind over and over again in
him on the banks of the Jordan River, and he
baptized them, as they confessed their sins.
the annals of history and the rush of Elisha was the irst to “mark” the waters of
the river’s waters. Moses, who looked the Jordan as having special properties, when
he informed Naaman, the commander of the wayside, and only memories remained of its
out over the Promised Land; the People
of Israel crossing the river after wandering armies of the King of Aram that he could heal In the 20th century, the Jordan River fell to the
glorious past: from the stories in the Old and
in the wilderness for 40 years though they himself of leprosy by dipping himself in the New Testaments to the stories of travelers,
could see the water; Elijah ascended to the river (2 Kings 5:14). In Nazareth, the Jordan who were not afraid to visit the barren area
heavens in a chariot of ire and horses of took on holy signiicance thanks to the fact between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.
ire, before the amazed eyes of his disciple. that Jesus was baptized in its waters. The They drew pictures of a rushing river in their
And even the baptism of Jesus by John in New Testament tells us that John the Baptist writings, teaming with lush vegetation and
the very same holy river. “At that moment was a Jewish monk whose clothes were
wild animals.
heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit made of camel hair and who wore a leather
of God descending like a dove and alighting belt about his loins, who set out into the desert Where was Jesus baptized?
on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This and preached that people should be baptized The books of the apostles ofer several
at the Jordan River
Immerse yourself in the sacred baptismal waters of Qasr al-Yahud
By Eran Kruzel. Photos: Amir Aloni