Page 14 - Holyland Magazine - Catholic Edition 2015
P. 14
M agdala is known as the hometown Jesus, or Yeshua in Hebrew, spent the last coast of the Sea of Galilee until the founding
of Tiberias in 19 CE.
three years of his public life in the area of the
of Mary Magdalene. She is named at
Sea of Galilee before leaving to Jerusalem.
least 12 times in the gospels, where
Now, a tourist complex called Magdala is
she is described as one of several Jesus traveled from his hometown of
being developed in the hometown of Mary
Nazareth through the Upper Galilee on his
women traveling with Jesus and His
disciples who personally supported his work way to Capernaum. He went through all cities
of Galilee. The new site was founded by a
in the Galilee. Mary Magdalene is one of the preaching with disciples and other women. Magdalene, on the western shore of the Sea
priest from Puebla, Mexico, Fr. Juan Maria
women who witnessed Jesus’ cruciixion and When taken in the historical and geographic Solana, L.C The innovative project consists
planned to tend his body after the Sabbath. context, it is very likely that he visited
of two phases; the irst was inaugurated last
She was the irst eyewitness of the risen Magdala, the main city in the Galilee at that May and consists of an archaeological park
Christ and was commissioned by Jesus to time. Magdala, with a population of 10,000, and DUC IN ALTUM prayer and worship
inform the disciples of his resurrection.
center, already open to visitors daily.
was the largest urban center on the western
A promising site for Christian tourism in Israel
14 Panoramic view of Magdala
of Tiberias in 19 CE.
three years of his public life in the area of the
of Mary Magdalene. She is named at
Sea of Galilee before leaving to Jerusalem.
least 12 times in the gospels, where
Now, a tourist complex called Magdala is
she is described as one of several Jesus traveled from his hometown of
being developed in the hometown of Mary
Nazareth through the Upper Galilee on his
women traveling with Jesus and His
disciples who personally supported his work way to Capernaum. He went through all cities
of Galilee. The new site was founded by a
in the Galilee. Mary Magdalene is one of the preaching with disciples and other women. Magdalene, on the western shore of the Sea
priest from Puebla, Mexico, Fr. Juan Maria
women who witnessed Jesus’ cruciixion and When taken in the historical and geographic Solana, L.C The innovative project consists
planned to tend his body after the Sabbath. context, it is very likely that he visited
of two phases; the irst was inaugurated last
She was the irst eyewitness of the risen Magdala, the main city in the Galilee at that May and consists of an archaeological park
Christ and was commissioned by Jesus to time. Magdala, with a population of 10,000, and DUC IN ALTUM prayer and worship
inform the disciples of his resurrection.
center, already open to visitors daily.
was the largest urban center on the western
A promising site for Christian tourism in Israel
14 Panoramic view of Magdala