Page 13 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
P. 13
hard work too ... bathed in the excitement of of close-knit neighborhoods marked with the Later in the day the pope encouraged
hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers. Pope signs of a rich, pluralistic religious faith. Catholic-Jewish dialogue at a Catholic
Francis participated with leaders of Christian, university, and made a major speech at the
Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and All of the city’s brightest cultural assets and historic Independence Hall before some
other faiths at the 9/11 Memorial, solemnly the warmth of its people welcomed Pope 40,000 people to support welcoming
commemorating the terrorist attacks of Francis on the final leg of his apostolic visit immigrants into the United States.
September 11, 2001. to America for two days last September.
Planning for that visit had begun even before From the solemn Mass to the thought-
He followed that with a speech to delegates Francis was elected pontiff. His predecessor provoking speech, attention turned at night
of all peoples of the world at the United Pope Benedict XVI had in 2012 called for to Philadelphia’s centerpiece boulevard, the
Nations, covering some of the themes he’d Philadelphia as the site of the Eighth World museum-studded Benjamin Franklin Parkway,
described to the U.S. Congress, including Meeting of Families, a gathering that occurs for the Festival of Families celebration of music
respect for the dignity of human persons, every three years in a different city. After and dance enjoyed by tens of thousands of
concrete action on climate change, a more Benedict resigned the papacy in 2013, Francis families and their children long into the night.
just economic system, controls on gun sales was elected and became one of the most
and elimination of nuclear weapons. popular figures on the world stage, thanks The next morning, September 27, the pope
to his humility, his new way of presenting the met with victims of clergy sexual abuse,
New Yorkers from every walk of life filled the Christian Gospel and his ideas for institutional and after told a group of American bishops
fields and hills of Central Park to raucously reform. He would bring that humble approach to become closer to families and the real
cheer Pope Francis as he rode along the and accompanying star power to Philadelphia problems they face. Getting close up to
park’s small lanes in the shadow of the city’s to conclude the World Meeting of Families in people in difficult circumstances was on his
skyscrapers. Later that night, he celebrated a September. own agenda as he visited a city prison to give
lively Mass for 20,000 in New York’s storied hope and encouragement to about 100 men
arena for sports and concerts, Madison The meeting to discuss ways to strengthen and women incarcerated there. He spoke to
Square Garden, which included inspired family life gathered more than 20,000 them as a group from a chair the prisoners
performances by singers Gloria Estefan, delegates from over 100 countries for four had handmade for his visit, then he greeted
Jennifer Hudson and Harry Connick Jr. days of meetings and activities the very and spoke to each one, embracing many.
same week Pope Francis was visiting Cuba,
At the Mass, the pope urged the congregation Washington and New York City. Excitement After all the excitement of the preceding days,
to go out into the city, to seek the face of had been growing to fever pitch all week the papal visit came to a close with a public
Jesus in the poor and suffering, and to share among the delegates, plus hundreds of Mass on the parkway, attended by what most
the joy of the Gospel with all. People today thousands more people streaming in from estimates pegged at around 300,000 people.
should take heed of Jesus’ direction for his around the world joining residents of the As they sat or stood below the leafy sycamore
disciples, “to go out and meet others where region, all anticipating the wholesome carnival trees lining the parkway, they formed a two-
they really are, not where we think they should atmosphere of papal events that weekend. mile long, open-air cathedral. Yet despite the
be,” Pope Francis said. noise and commotion of so many people
Philadelphia’s name derives from the Greek, moving through the area, an extraordinary
But the pope would also travel to a humbler meaning “City of Brotherly Love,” and Pope serenity settled on the crowd as the Sunday
setting in East Harlem, greeting Catholic Francis lived up to the moniker himself as afternoon Mass began.
schoolchildren and listening to them, as he soon as he arrived at Philadelphia’s airport
held their hands, describe their class projects. Saturday morning, September 26. He greeted Francis seemed to reflect the sacred
The pontiff not only encouraged the young a family of five on the tarmac then stopped atmosphere of prayer, his face solemn not
students, their families and their teachers, he to bless a sick boy, before moving on to the weary as on Saturday when he arrived in
gave a homework assignment. heart of the city for a morning Mass at the the city or beaming at times during the lively
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Festival of Families the night before. The
“Please don’t forget to pray for me,” he asked Even though the people’s roar of acclaim rose reverential silence - an absence of sound
up whenever the pope’s motorcade passed, thanks in part to total restrictions on auto
the children, “so that I can share with many the Mass at the cathedral was an elegant, traffic and aircraft in the area - and the sight
sublime and emotional liturgy, celebrating the of so many people quietly praying was a
people the joy of Jesus. And let us also pray artistic and religious culture of Philadelphia. profound experience for many in attendance.
so that many other people can share the joy By that point in the week-long overseas After he delivered a message hoping the little
journey and its many public appearances, the acts of kindnesses that family members show
like yours.” *** 78-year-old Pope Francis had begun to look one another would be seen by everyone as
by turns prayerfully solemn, or just plain tired. God’s signs of love and grace in the world,
As the birthplace of liberty in America -- where Nevertheless, his visit to Philadelphia had the Pope Francis concluded the final event of his
character of scenes from the other cities: memorable visit to America with words that
the Declaration of Independence was written, spiritual messages of solace, challenges to had become familiar. “Please pray for me,” he
build a better society, joyful emotions, and asked the crowd. “Don’t forget, pray for me.”
where the Constitution of the United States among all present, deep expressions of faith. Judging by the sustained applause of the
faithful, he could rest assured of such prayers.
was signed, where its first federal government
was seated - Philadelphia embodies the living
history of the country. But it is more than
yellowed documents and Colonial-era re-
enactments. Philadelphia remains a leading
cultural attraction in the United States. It
also remains was it has always been: a city