Page 11 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
P. 11
Pope Francis preaches to a
packed congregation on Sept.
26, 2015 in the Cathedral
Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul
in Philadelphia, his first day in
the city and the last of his three-
city visit to the United States
last year. Photo: Sarah Webb/
By Matthew Gambino
Editor of, the Catholic news
website in Philadelphia, PA
A crystal blue sky framed America’s stately
capital city last September as Pope Francis
began his whirlwind five-day visit to the United
States with a first stop in Washington, D.C.
The Argentine-born leader of the worldwide
Catholic Church got his first look at America
from a dais at the White House Wednesday
morning, September 23, overlooking the
South Lawn filled with 20,000 eager visitors.
He had met his host, President Barack
Obama and his family, the evening before
when the papal plane touched down just
outside the city. Well-wishers nearby set the
tone for the days to come with full-throated
cheers worthy of a rock star, which would be
raised wherever Pope Francis appeared.
At the White House, the pope presented People pray together as Pope Francis
himself simply as a son of immigrants to a celebrates Mass on Sep. 27, 2015
country largely built by immigrants, saying he at the altar on the Benjamin Franklin
wanted to learn from Americans and share Parkway in Philadelphia. Photo: Sarah
his experiences. While the president and Webb/
pope exchanged warm words, Francis also
issued sobering challenges -- which he would
do frequently in addresses in Washington,
New York and Philadelphia -- particularly on
the themes of respect for religious freedom,
immigrants and an urgent call to combat
climate change.
The visit to the capital over the next day good by taking cues from four Americans: ***
and a half included visit to a Catholic-run Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
homeless shelter and a Mass to declare and two lesser known 20th century figures, Like many tourists visiting New York City, Pope
18th century Spanish missionary Junipero Catholic social justice advocate Dorothy Day, Francis stopped into St. Patrick’s Cathedral,
Serra a saint in the Catholic Church, which and author and contemplative monk Thomas the grand Catholic house of worship located
the pope led at America’s largest Catholic Merton. amid the bright lights and bustle of one of
church, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the world’s great cities on Thursday evening,
the Immaculate Conception. Some 25,000 “A nation can be considered great,” Pope September 24. Easily navigating the cleared
people from across the United States Francis told Congress and all Americans, streets of midtown Manhattan with ease after
shouted “Papa!” along the road to the shrine “when it defends liberty as Lincoln did; when his arrival from Washington that evening,
and raised cameras to capture an image of it fosters a culture which enables people the pope addressed a packed St. Patrick’s
the pope smiling and waving as he passed by to ‘dream’ of full rights for all their brothers congregation to thank religious sisters,
in his Jeep Wrangler popemobile. and sisters as Martin Luther King sought to brothers and priests for their dedication and
do; when it strives for justice and the cause service.
Perhaps the most memorable stop on the visit of the oppressed as Dorothy Day did by
to Washington was Pope Francis’ address to her tireless work; the fruit of a faith which The following day was as full as any tourist’s
a joint session of the U.S. Congress. Speaking becomes dialogue and sows peace in the jaunt through the city, but this special visitor
deliberately in English, the pope called on the contemplative style of Thomas Merton.” had messages of peace, forgiveness and
congressional representatives, senators and
other officials to work together for the common