Page 16 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
P. 16

the purpose of the soldiers who braided the          So, what is the significance of the thorny       curse and fashioned it into a crown for the very
cruel crown for Christ.                              crown cruelly placed on the head of Christ?      One who would deliver us from that curse.
                                                     Carolyn Adams Roth writes, “While a crown        Galatians 3:13 states that “Christ redeemed
Since man’s fall in the Garden of Eden, thorns       of thorns would be exceedingly painful, the      us from the curse of the law by becoming
of all kinds have come up from the ground,           crown of thorns was more about mockery           a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is
which was cursed by God in response to               than it was about pain. Here was the “King       everyone who is hanged on a tree.” Jesus
Adam and Eve’s disobedient and sinful                of the Jews” being beaten, spit upon, and        Christ, in His perfect atoning sacrifice, has
choice to disregard the divine prohibition           insulted by presumably low-level Roman           delivered us from the curse of sin, of which
not to eat from the tree in the midst of the         soldiers. The crown of thorns was the            a thorn is a symbol. While intended to be a
garden. Thorns are also used as a symbol             finalizing of their mockery, taking a symbol of  mockery, the crown of thorns was, in fact, an
by God in the chastening of Israel, as Isaiah        royalty and majesty, a crown, and turning it     excellent symbol of who Jesus is and what
declares, “Upon the land of my people shall          into something painful and degrading.”           He actually came to accomplish.”

The jujube tree. Photos: Shutterstock

come up thorns and briers” (32:13); and as           For Christians, the crown of thorns is a         The crown of thorns, and the humiliation that
Hosea prophesied that “the thorn and the             reminder of two things. First, that Jesus        went with it, are now a part of history, and
thistle shall come up on their altars” (10:8).       was, and is, indeed a king. One day, the         Jesus has now received His true crown of
                                                     entire universe will bow to Jesus as the         which He is most worthy. “But we see Him
In Genesis 3:17-18, the Lord said to Adam,           “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation    who for a little while was made lower than
"Because you have heeded the voice of your           19:16). What the Roman soldiers meant as         the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with
wife, and have eaten from the tree of which          a scathing mockery, was in fact a picture of     glory and honor because of the suffering of
I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat          Christ’s two roles, first of suffering servant   death, so that by the grace of God He might
of it': "cursed is the ground for your sake; in      (Isaiah 53), and second of conquering            taste death for everyone" (Hebrews 2:9).
toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.  Messiah-King (Revelation 19). Secondly,
Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth        the crown of thorns reminds us that Jesus        References:
for you.”                                            was willing to endure the incredible pain,       The Plants of the Bible London; Edinburgh; New
                                                     deplorable ridicule, and intense shame of        York: T. Nelson and Sons. (Balfour, J. H. (1885).
Max Lucado, in his book, He Chose                    sin, all on our account.                         Jesus: The Greatest Life of All by Charles Swindoll
The Nails, reminds us that throughout                                                                 and Logos Bible Software.
Scripture thorns symbolize, not sin, but the         Charles Swindoll, in his book, Jesus: The        Carolyn Adams Roth, God as a Gardener Blog 2014-
consequence of sin. He says, “brambles on            Greatest Life of All, writes, “The Roman         2015
the earth are the product of sin in the heart.”      soldiers unknowingly took an object of the       Max Lucado, He Chose the Nails. Thomas Nelson
                                                                                                      Reprint edition (January 2, 2012)

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