Page 20 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
P. 20
The Jerusalem March in front of the FOZ Museum
create displays that appear to come to life
before your eyes.
The museum is comprised of eight unique Orde Wingate Exhibit in the Hall of the Brave
spaces that highlight the contribution of
Christian Zionists to the State of Israel and
the Jewish People. Among the stories told
are that of John Henry Dunant, first winner
of the Nobel Peace Prize and founder of the
International Red Cross, whom Herzl called the
first Christian Zionist; and also Amsterdam’s
ten Boom family who protected Jews amidst
the horrors of WWII. Amazing stories abound
of people of great vision who stood beside
the Jewish nation, friends of Israel such as
US President Harry Truman and British Prime
Minister Winston Churchill. You’ll be inspired
by stories of men and women who risked their
lives to save Jews, such as Oskar Schindler,
Irena Sendler and Raoul Wallenberg. Their
stories are displayed on a "shattered" wall as
the audience is swept inside the animated
presentation ending with a "first-hand"
experience highlighting the responsibility each
person holds for the fate of his fellow man.
In September 2015, the official opening of museum, CBN featured the Friends of Zion The FOZ tour departs in groups of up to
the museum was attended by hundreds Museum tour on their acclaimed 700 Club 25 people. To avoid a long wait, guests
of honored guests. Among them were program. are advised to book their tour in advance,
former Israeli President Shimon Peres, the as tours must depart with guide. Booking
Museum's International Chairman, as well as The Museum was also visited by a group of is also available online or by contacting
Israel Defense Forces Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Yossi NBA stars led by Sacramento Kings Forward the museum's reservation department by
Peled, the Chairman of the Israel Board, Omri Casspi, joined by teammates Caron phone or email. The museum’s website
whose life is recounted in the museum as he Butler and Demarcus Cousins, as well as also offers an online
shares his dramatic story of being saved as Iman Shumpert of the Cleveland Cavaliers. virtual tour in 3D, allowing you to explore
a child during the Holocaust and hidden by a each exhibit at your leisure.
Christian family in Europe. The Friends of Zion Museum is a 60-minute
experience that will be remembered for a Our hope is that the experience at the
Over 40,000 visitors from around the world lifetime. The fully handicapped-accessible museum will lead our many visitors from
have toured the Friends of Zion Museum since museum, cafe and gift shop are just a five around the world to become “Friends of
its opening last year! Visitors to the museum minute walk from the Old City of Jerusalem. Zion,” joining in the support of Israel and the
in its first months included renowned religious Afterwards, visitors are invited to use one of Jewish people.
leaders such as Pentecostal minister Pastor the recording booths and share impressions
Jack Hayford, Canadian televangelist David of their visit. Dozens of electronic tablets line The Friends of Zion Museum
Mainse, Pastor Lucy Cosme from Santo the walls in the cafe sharing the thoughts Tel:+972-2-532-9400
Domingo, and Assemblies of God General of past visitors in many languages. These Email:
Superintendent Dr. George Wood. Other impressions are also presented on the, 20 Yosef Rivlin St., Jerusalem
visitors included Pastor Robert Stearns of Museum's website.
Eagle's Wings, Pastor Jim Garlow and his wife,
Rosemary Schindler, who is a great niece of
Oskar Schindler. After Christian Broadcasting
Network CEO Gordon Robertson visited the