Page 22 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
P. 22
To see what is
written in the
Biblical verses
A new tour at the Israel Museum Reconstruction of a church bema (presbytery), 6th century
provides Christian tourists with
the evidence they have heard Every tourist guide comes across this: the Museum's galleries, there are additional
of when they studied the New Israel is heaven for the Christian treasures such as the only archaeological
Testament ● 10 new stations tourist, almost every inch of ground evidence in the world of the existence of the
that provide the evidence itself conceals a story hundreds and the dynasty of King David, from which Jesus
from the time of Jesus and from thousands of years old. You can walk is believed to have descended; the tomb of
the most dramatic episodes along the paths where Jesus walked (more the High Priest Caiaphas who handed Jesus
associated with him there have or less), but none of them looks like it did over to the Romans; the only archaeological
been added to the Shrine of in Jesus' time. It is not the same valley, it evidence of the existence of Pontius Pilate,
the Book and the model of is not the same house. The tourists arrive who handed down the death sentence on
the Second Temple, which in the Holy Land, but cannot see it as it Jesus; and more.
each year attract hundreds was then. The new tour introduced by the
of thousands of visitors ● the Israel Museum exposes the visitors to rare The strip of pavement that proves
ossuary of the High Priest, the testimonies, some unique, that let them see the existence of the dynasty of
only written dedication in the what up until now could only be read about King David
world that mentions Pontius in Scripture.
Pilate, the only archaeological The route through the galleries starts in the
evidence in the world of the The new tour has 12 stations, the same as time of the Book of Kings. An ancient victory
crucifixion by the Romans, and the number of Jesus' Disciples, joins the monument written in Aramaic that stood in
other rare findings are waiting in Shrine of the Book and the model of the the palace of Hazael, King of Aram, near Tel
the Museum's galleries. Second Temple, which attract hundreds Dan, recounts how the king glorified himself
of thousands of visitors each year. A large with his victories over his enemies. Hazael
By Ran Lior proportion of the tourists arriving do not know takes the credit for killing of Jehoram, King
22 that just a few meters away from them, in of Israel, and Ahaziah, King of Judah, of