Page 21 - Holyland Magazing - Catholic Edition 2016
P. 21

the Holy Land,

Travel to the Holy Land not only deepens your faith, but puts everything into perspective

By Tim Walter                                        while floating in the Dead Sea, their faces          The Dead Sea: the lowest and saltiest place on
                                                     expressing the devotion and peace that               earth. Above left: Station 9 of the Via Dolorosa:
I will never forget the first time I walked          comes from their faith.                              Jesus falls the third time.
    outside my hotel room and onto the                                                                    Above right: Sea of Galilee: center of Jesus' ministry
    beach. My wife and I walked south, the           Perhaps someday you too will have the
    water to our right, the land on our left;        opportunity to delve into the civilization
    the sights and sounds, the heat and              that fostered the growth of your faith and
fragrance washing over us like a tidal wave          the practice of your religious beliefs. There
of culture. It was not just any beach, it was a      is only one Holy Land for Catholics and
beach on the Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv,          it is in this small strip of land hugging the
Israel. I could hardly believe we were there.        Mediterranean. Once while in Egypt a guide
                                                     said, “This is the desert, nothing grows here.”
It was the very first trip we took together as       Yet from the desert in this land, Catholicism
a couple. I’m not sure we slept more than            did grow.
five hours a night. The contrast of this land
compared to what we knew was so dramatic             The Catholic Press Association of the United
that we needed to absorb all that we could.          States and Canada is an organization of
                                                     Catholic newspapers, magazines, journals
A decade after that first trip, I traveled again to  and digital publications distributed to over
the Holy Land with members of the Catholic           11 million homes. Its members, like the
Press Association. Sponsored by the Israel           pilgrims who come to Israel, tell their readers
Ministry of Tourism, twelve journalists came         about Catholicism from its beginning to the
to the home of their faith. They prayed at the       excitement of Pope Francis. Those stories
beautiful chapel on the Mount of Beatitudes,         encourage others to follow the calling of
sailed on the Sea of Galilee and viewed the          their faith and visit the holiest of all places for
Gospel Trail.                                        Catholics, the land of Jesus Christ.

They prayed at Mass with Israeli Catholics,          To that end, we proudly collaborate with
walked the Via Dolorosa, wandered inside             Holy Land Magazine to bring you stories of
the amazing maze of the Church of the Holy           Catholics living their faith.
Sepluchre and prayed again at the Western
Wall. They laughed over dinner and giggled

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