Page 23 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2017
P. 23

Beyond the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City, a city
                                                       of beautiful attractions and breathtaking historic
                                                       sites awaits. Here are some of Discover Israel’s


The Tower of David                           The Israel Museum                            bedecked houses, sidewalk cafes, chic
                                                                                          restaurants and boutiques. It’s also
Also known as the David Citadel, home        The Israel Museum is the largest             home to the art déco Smadar Theatre,
to the history of Jerusalem. Located near    cultural institution in the State of Israel  Jerusalem’s art house cinema saved
the Jaffa Gate, it is the historic entrance   and is ranked among the world’s              from the bulldozers by public outcry.
to the Old City. The Museum presents         leading art and archaeology museums.
Jerusalem’s story and details the major      Founded in 1965, the Museum houses           Anna Ticho house
events in its history beginning with the     encyclopaedic collections, including
first evidence of a city in Jerusalem in      works dating from prehistory to the          Built in the mid-19th century by an
the second millennium BCE, until the         present day, in its Archaeology, Fine        Arab dignitary, the Ticho House was
city became the capital of the State of      Arts, Jewish Art and Life Wings, and         purchased by Dr. Avraham Ticho in 1924
Israel, as well as its significance to three  features the most extensive holdings         and houses the artworks of his wife,
religions. The permanent exhibition          of biblical and Holy Land archaeology        Anna, as well Judaica, temporary art
illustrates the city’s history along the     in the world.                                exhibits, and a reference library of books
axis of time using myriad methods and                                                     about Jerusalem’s art and literature. Its
includes explanations in Hebrew, Arabic      Mamilla Open Air                             garden, café and restaurant are the site
and English.                                 Shopping Complex                             of delicious meals and regular concerts.

The Markets                                  Bosting incredible views this luxury                                @visitisrael
                                             outdoor experience is home to local                  Website:
Jerusalem comprises of a vast array          shopping brands and worldwide
of markets, each as colourful as the         house hold names alike, Mammilla has
next with sights, smells and sounds          something for everyone. It’s a unique
that overwhelm the senses. From fruits       and leisurely encounter in a bustling
and vegetables, juices, all manner of        city, with art and performances from
delicious freshly baked goods, carpets       artists on display throughout the year as
and jewellery, Jerusalem’s markets are       well, it’s a modern take on an everyday
THE place to gauge the heartbeat of          activity.
this intoxicating city.
                                             Old City of Jerusalem
                                             Ramparts Walk

                                             The Ramparts Walk atop Jerusalem’s
                                             500-year-old city walls offers a bird’s
                                             eye view of the ancient city.

                                             The German Colony

                                             Established in the second half of the
                                             19th century by German Templars,
                                             today’s German Colony is one of the
                                             city’s hippest neighbourhoods of flower-
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